New York City

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you stepped onto the streets and the blissful air of new york city razed your face. it was just as you had imagined, busy, cozy and lively. you had always dreamt of living in a big city and not just any but new york city. you had finally made it. 

it was all worth it.

though, there was a bittersweet feeling lingering in your heart. you did leave elijah behind but you had to. you knew it. you knew you were right and so did he but despite all that you did something on your first day in new york.

before exploring the city, going to your final job interview, checking out your new apartment or even grabbing a cup of coffee you called elijah. your phone had no battery because you used it on the flight so you used a pay phone to call him. thankfully you had his number memorized. 

you intertwined your fingers amidst the wire whilst hearing the beeps go on, one after the other. then he picked up.

"hello?" he asked in a confused tone because you were calling from an unknown number.

"hey it's me y/n, i am hoping you remember me!" you teased him playfully.

elijah let out a chuckle, "how could i forget you-" 

"what are you doing right now?" you leaned against the glass of the telephone booth.

he sighed, "nothing" 

he had many things to say and ask about last night but he couldn't get himself to. this moment was just super heavy and overwhelming for him.

"found someone else to rant about video games and the lego sets you wanna build to?" you promted.

"no- no one listens like you did." he replied.

"i hope you know i was zoned out a lot of the times, elijah-" y/n confessed which caused the both of you to laugh in sync.

then elijah asked, "what are you doing? are you in new york?"

"yeah." you replied.

"do you like it?"

you took a moment, "yes."

"i know it's just been one day but i miss you y/n." he said.

"i miss you too." you reciprocated.

then a moment of silence clouded the moment.

you broke it, "i have to go now- goodbye, elijah"

"bye, y/n"

you hung up.


the days that followed were nothing less than a fantasy. you officially joined UNP as their content writer and you loved every moment of being at work. you quickly made friends with your colleagues who were actually nice and fun people. your boss liked your work and showed a leaning towards you. 

you were getting recognized for your work, going to office was like having a sweet tooth and going to a candy store and you were making enough money to save some and also sustain a life for yourself in new york. 

this is why morning to evening time was a delight but as soon as you'd get home to your empty apartment at night, the dread would hit you hard. after living with elijah, you had forgotten how to live alone. it felt silent and eerie. 

you did gain new friends but they were not like your old ones. there was not a day where you didn't reminiscent about the campfire, game nights, strip poker rounds, smash bros 1v1s you and the time you spent with isha, sub, dylan, ethan and elijah.

for you, the weekends were especially hard to get through because the weekends meant office holiday. your mind always went to how on saturdays you'd have a movie night with elijah under you two's pillow fort. you wondered if the pillow fort was still up? then on sundays, you two would get drunk off each other's minds. that was fun too. 

all this obviously made you miss elijah even more and you had tried to reach out to him on multiple ocassions but he never returned his calls/texts or ring/text you on his own. this gave you a a horrible feeling and your mind started to fill in the blanks.

you had many theories about him ghosting you ranging from believable to ridiculous ones like you theorizing that he was dead? or back with ex? or just busy with his youtube channel or family? did he have a new roommate now? you didn't know the answer to any of that.

you stayed in touch with isha strongly so much so that you two talked on the phone everyday. sub was doing okay, she was doing okay too and willing to visit you in new york. you invited her on the next sunday but she seemed to talk in riddles when the topic of elijah came.  

this made you a bit concerned but you moved on with life anyways.

it was strange and again, bittersweet: your job was fulfilling, the city was treating you well, you were still best friends with isha, hell she was even coming to visit you in 7 days but on the other hand, elijah was gone without a trace. he was a ghost.

that was life for you and you couldn't help but wonder what it was like for elijah? 

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