Chapter 1

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The rhythmic clicking of footsteps echoed throughout the dead silent hallways, the white bulbs overhead lighting up the dark hallway.
The mahogany doors at the end of the hall opened with a gentle click, a beautiful brown haired woman stepping in with several suited men in tow.
Her fair lips parted as she spoke, her euphonious voice portraying her as a harmless young lady, a misconception which had led the powerful Martinez family to their early graves. "Check the rooms, I don't want anything important left behind."
The woman giving the order was none other than Lucia Hernandez, the daughter of the Martinez family's deceased head of security and the fiancee of the heir of the godfather.
She stepped forward, the light overhead highlighting the intricate snake tattoo on the middle of her back.
Noticing a bit of blood near her shoes, her face scrunched up in disgust, the expression fading as her subordinate approached her with an update.
"Ma'am, we've retrieved everything." Smirking devilishly, she remarked, "I wonder just how the heir would feel, returning to see this?"
Turning to face the man in a suit beside her, she ordered, "Burn this place to the ground, the Martinez bloodline ends tonight."

The recording stopped playing and the man watching it looked up.
Handsome was an understatement when describing Juan Martinez and his good looks weren't the only things he had going for him.
A charming personality, unrivaled strength and skills in all things necessary for one to thrive in the mafia, the prodigious heir had not known a true challenge until now.
Across him, a lady dressed in a suit sat crossed legged, scrolling through the tablet that was returned back to her by her boss.
"How did this get to us?" He asked, his baritone blotting out the soft hum of the vehicle's tires as they made their way to their destination; a place that would serve as their temporary or permanent base, depending on the situation.
"You don't seem surprised, sir, that Miss Hernandez betrayed you." Ana, his secretary stated, glancing up, her screen's contents reflecting off her glasses.
"Being startled will solve nothing. If you could answer my question now?"
"Maria, a cousin of yours. She was the only survivor of the main family as far as we know. Some of the few people loyal to us helped her escape and are hiding in a backup safehouse, prepared for situations like this."
Juan sighed and sat back in the chair, looking out the window and watching the surroundings go by while occasionally tapping his knee.
"Father was quite thorough…and so will I," facing Ana, he continued, "Is everything set?"
"Yes, as far as the world knows, Juan Martinez has passed away."
Leaning forward, he took the passport handed to him by Ana, opening it immediately and reading the name out loud, "Aaron Rose?"
"Yes sir, a false identity created by the Don for you should your safety be compromised. And you don't have to worry, I have mine as well." Unzipping a bag beside her leg, Ana pulled out another passport and handed it to Aaron. The document read "Briar Rose" , an identity that was supposedly the sister of Aaron Rose.
The car jerked to a stop and a soft tap on the partition alerted the Roses.
Aaron put on a pair of black leather gloves, picked up the black bag beside him and stepped out of the car as soon as it was opened, giving a slight nod to the man in a suit who opened the door.
Tugging on his black trench coat as the frigid air rushed past him, Aaron shot a glance at Briar, the latter thankful of the hidden concern she picked up on.
Four men dressed in suits and black trenchcoats walked by the duo, guiding and guarding the leaders of what would be the newly born Rose mafia.

Aaron looked around, intrigued by the chilly atmosphere at the riverside and even more so at the large warehouse that seemed abandoned from the outside; a place which was their destination. The six halted at the large metal doors, a guard raising his gloved hand to knock, a shutter opening by the side after his action.
"We're here for Alvarez." One of Aaron's guards stated.
"Yer got a name?"
Glancing back at Aaron and Briar, the slight shake of their heads granted the subordinate the confirmation he needed. "The Roses. Tell em the Rose family's got a deal for him."
There was a brief pause before the gates rattled loudly, opening afterwards to reveal two burly men in short shirts and trousers.

Leading the Roses through the warehouse that looked far more furnished than it did from the outside, their guide stopped by a nondescript metal door, and knocked twice, awaiting a reply from inside the room.
At first a shuffle, then a loud throat clear before finally a gruff voice called out from behind the door, "Come in."
The men in suits remained waiting outside as Briar and Aaron stepped into the office.
Unlike outside, the office was well furnished, with a shelf of a variety of liquor to the side and a table made of fine mahogany sat in the middle of the room.
On the opposite side of the table sat a well built man of average height with a trimmed beard. He glanced up, taking the large branded cigar that hung from his lips and put it out.
Gesturing at his subordinates at the door, they left the office, shutting the door firmly behind them. "Take a seat, please." He gestured at the chairs before his table, his eyes trailing the two as they sat, their attention returning to him.
"Glad to see you're well, Carlos," Aaron stated curtly, Carlos nodding in acknowledgement to he and Briar.
"I heard about what happened to the Martinez, you have my condolences," Carlos leaned forward slightly, the Rose siblings simply nodding in response.
Turning to Briar, he remarked, "And you're Ana, I take it?"
"Ana Garcia has passed away, it was a case of suicide or so I heard." Briar replied, Carlos shaking his head in understanding.
"So I take it, you wish to find someone?"
"There was a survivor, a cousin of Juan Martinez. She goes by Maria Martinez, or at least she used too. I need you to find her," Aaron leaned back in his seat, gently tapping the table.
"Well, luckily for you, I've been keeping tabs on her, just my little way of paying back the Martinez for all they've done for me." Handing Aaron a yellow file from a pile beside him, Carlos stated, "That's all you need to find her."

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