Chapter 13

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She exhaled tiredly, watching the cool mist that formed by her mouth with an annoyed expression.
She felt like a fool expecting a lowly man of his caliber to understand manners and courtesy.
Two black jeeps drove into the vicinity, their doors opening as soon as they halted.
A man with a low cut and trimmed beard approached the waiting brunette with two men in tow, the rest surveying the area.
Approaching her in a cheery manner, he hollered lightheartedly. "If it isn't Ms Lucia Hernandez in the flesh?"
He neared her with an intention to hug her, but her next comment swiftly caused him to cease his action.
"El sin nombre, was it?" She held his gaze, her brown eyes reflecting the annoyance she felt, "You should know I don't like being kept waiting."
Smiling dryly, he replied, "Don't be like that, Ms Hernandez or should I say Dona Hernandez?"
Glancing past him to the crates that his subordinates had stacked by the cars, Lucia remarked coldly, "Let's get this over with."
With a gesture, the men moved to open the crates, revealing several weapons and ammunition, just enough to aid a small army.
"With weapons like these, one would think you're preparing for war." He joked, scanning his presented merchandise.
Wordlessly turning to her men, Lucia ordered that they bring the money prepared as his payment.
Picking an assault rifle as he ordered his people to confirm the amount, Lucia recalled the single message she had received on her private number right before Gilberto's demise.
"He has returned."

After addressing the doorman, he stepped into the elegant restaurant, silently scanning its occupants for his partner for the evening and in a matter of months, for life.
His eyes met her and widened slightly in approval. Noting the slim brown dress she wore alongside the beige jacket and silver heels, what stood out the most was a portion of her snake tattoo on her exposed back.
Though he had always appreciated it, he had never put it into words.
Approaching the table, he took a seat and flagged down the waiter, his companion looking up from the menu in hand.
"You know I don't like being kept waiting, Mr Martinez," the brunette stated coolly.
Smiling politely at her, he replied, "My apologies. But Mr Martinez is my father, just call me Juan after all we're engaged, aren't we, Lucia?"
Looking at him with something akin to interest, the corner of the brunette's lips tilted up. Leaning forward, she placed her hand on his.
"Yes, yes we are."

"Sir." A holler and shake woke Aaron from his slumber.
Easing his posture, he looked around the car, noticing that it had ceased movement.
Turning back to Briar, who woke him, he asked, "Have we arrived yet?"
Looking between Aaron and the other occupant of the car; Otto Wagner, she nodded in response.
Aaron faced Otto, his mask hiding the curiosity he visually expressed.
"I'll ask again, he wants to operate within my turf and so he requires the protection of the Rose Mafia?"
"Something along those lines, yes. He simply wishes for an alliance with the person truly in control of that region.
"I wonder what he'll trade for my protection."

The trio stepped out of the car, appreciating the relaxing atmosphere the Lefevre's flower filled compound had.
Gesturing at two of his men to follow, Aaron was led alongside Briar and Otto into the white imposing mansion.
As they entered they were immediately greeted by their host, Henri Lefevre, who though was supposedly as old as Otto, looked somewhat older.
Passively noting the dark circles under the tycoon's eyes, Aaron followed the mansion's owner to the living room where they were to hold their discussions.
After they took their seats, Henri glanced from the masked Rose to Otto, contemplating how to begin negotiations.
Noticing his troubled demeanor, Otto decided to speak up first. "This is who I discussed with you about, Don Rose, the sole owner of the territory you wish to expand your business in."
Watching the Frenchman silently, Aaron asked, "Do you have any goals in the region besides logistics and transportation?"
The statement felt like a trick question, he couldn't tell if negotiations would become less favorable should any other unstated intentions be found out of if the masked Rose was being honest so as to know how to assist him properly.
The only reason Henri had the latter as a thought was because Aaron was connected to him via Otto Wagner, which due to his reputation, had already uplifted the Rose mafia head in the eyes of Henri Lefevre.
"No, but as there are many people in opposition to my activity in foreign soil, I need allies I can trust." Henri explained earnestly, focusing more on Otto who's eyes seemed to twinkle in understanding.
"Why not employ a private security company then?" Aaron asked, sitting back while he watched Henri carefully.
The Lefevre family head's brows furrowed, his blue eyes losing the little light they originally held.
"I didn't get to the position that I am in by being soft. If push comes to shove, I am aware the Rose family wouldn't hesitate to do what is necessary, regardless of the lines that need to be crossed, or am I wrong?"
Aaron's eyes reflected his amusement, his masked finger tapping the chair's arm rest as he watched Otto further negotiate with Henri.
Glancing back at the stoic Briar, a sudden crash upstairs caught the attention of the ones present below, Aaron included.
Hurriedly excusing himself, Henri rushed away, Otto and Aaron sharing a look.
"Let's go." Aaron said, rising briskly and walking up the stairs with Otto and Briar in tow, the three paying no heed to the protesting maid.
Following the sounds, the trio stepped into a beautifully adorned room where Henri amongst others stood surrounding a young girl, around the age of Aaron's cousin, having a seizure.
Among them was a man in formal wear, who had a stethoscope in his ears as he inspected her.
The worry and tension in the air influenced Otto and he moved closer to enquire about the problem, meanwhile the Rose siblings stood to the side, unfazed.
That was until the masked Aaron set his eyes on the purplish hue the girl's fingers had taken. His eyes widened in surprise and interest as he pondered how something that was a threat to him during his perilous mission abroad had now appeared before him.
Chuckling lightly, Aaron muttered, "How in the world did this get here?",

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