Chapter 15

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A week had gone by in a flash, and a call from the Lefevre house reached Aaron. Simply assuming Henri's ability to acquire his contact was because of Otto, he made preparations to see him.
He didn't doubt that his antidote would work, but there were things Aaron wanted to confirm in person and so his eagerness to leave was slightly more than before.
The drive to the mansion was uneventful and silent, with the exemption of a few occasional remarks or questions by Otto.
Upon arriving at the front of the house, they were led into the house where a tired looking Henri greeted them.
Noting his expression, the masked Aaron shared a look with Otto, who upon understanding his intention, asked, "You look quite tired, how's she faring?"
Subtly glancing at Aaron, Henri replied, "We've yet to see any drastic changes. But she's not in as much pain as before."
Catching a glimpse of the masked Aaron, who's eyes showed no emotion, Otto patted Henri's shoulder encouragingly, gesturing to the chairs in the living room.
"As I said before, I have returned to begin our discussions for my payment." Aaron's statement startled the two older men, Briar's impassive expression confirming their assumption that she was aware.
Henri was confused, he was aware Don Rose wasn't entirely empathetic, but somehow he hoped that he would be kind enough to hold back on asking until his daughter recovers entirely.
Looking at Otto and seeing a similar confused expression, he stammered out his remark as he was caught off guard. "B-but my daughter, she hasn't recovered fully."
"I see, I'm being doubted, that's a shame." Shrugging nonchalantly, he continued, "for your sake, I advise against doubtful actions."
Sharing another look with Otto, Henri sighed exasperatedly. "My apologies, but you must understand." He interlocked his fingers, holding them together tightly as a fearful expression showed for a brief moment before he returned to his exhausted look.
Noting this, Aaron sighed, stating. "Take heart, your daughter is fine."
Taking his words as merely encouragement, Henri smiled tiredly at him, chatter from the floor above occasionally interrupting the silence that reigned in the room.
Inhaling deeply, he decided to push forward with the negotiations, and fortunately for Henri, just as Otto had mentioned beforehand, Aaron was fair in dealings.
Rounding up the negotiations, Aaron handed some property documents to Briar, who skillfully scanned them before putting them away in a black briefcase.
Henri's jumbled thoughts were interrupted by a shout and the sound of hurried footsteps from the stairs.
Skidding to a stop, her long golden hair flew about, her white nightdress moving in a similar manner. She scanned the room cooly, her blue eyes reflecting her eagerness as she held her father's gaze.
Stumbling back as his daughter jumped at him, Henri wept, his cheerful laughter reflecting his true emotions.
Leaving the father-daughter duo to have their heartfelt reunion, Aaron called Henri's son aside, showing him a picture of a certain maid, handed to him by Briar while he narrated a reason for his inquiry.
Calling another worker to bring the mentioned maid caught the attention of the head and daughter of the Lefevre house, and they went quiet, intending to see Aaron's goal.
Unfortunately for all present, they were informed that said maid had already left for health reasons, but that gave Aaron and Briar the confirmation they needed; she was the perpetrator.
While that happened, the Lefevre lady studied Aaron carefully, impressed and intrigued by entire demeanor.
After piecing together that he was the one responsible for her recovery, she didn't couldn't deny that she felt attracted to him. After all, it wasn't everyday a handsome prince waltzes in and saves a lady from a painful death.
One would ask how she could tell if the masked man before her was handsome, well, intuition would be the answer.
Pulling out his phone immediately, he gave Carlos Alvarez a set of instructions, there was no way he was letting a person like her slip away right under his nose.
"You don't have go so far to catch her," Henri stated after he was filled in on the occurrences so far, "I can just wanted inform the authorities and surely they would not let her go scot free."
Aaron turned to him, exhaling tiredly. "I am not doing this for you, the rat thought she could pull a fast one on me, and I don't appreciate that."
Gesturing at Briar, they turned to leave the Lefevre house, giving their greetings before entering the car waiting outside.
During the trip, Aaron and Otto went over the papers Henri handed to them, discussing on which to capitalise on first in order to maximize the Rose family growth.
In the midst of their discussion, Briar politely interrupted, handing Aaron a tablet before saying, "We have her current location."
Glancing from the screen to her, Aaron asked, " Was this from the Alvarez?"
She nodded and he sighed returning his gaze to the detailed description of his new target. "We'll need to create an IT team of our own, we can't keep relying on Carlos."
Otto nodded in approval of his statement, impressed to see by how much he had grown. While the Alvarez were far more skilled than any group in gathering information, since as far as the public knew, they were to be neutral.
Meaning certain actions could be seen as bias towards one group and could lead to a worse case scenario. So while relying on them would help, it would not be beneficial in the long run, and Aaron understood just that.
The car stopped at another similar yet unfamiliar warehouse close to the docks. The three alighted the vehicle and scanned the surroundings.
"You should remain in the car, Mr Wagner, you too Briar. I'll aske the guard to send you home." While it sounded like a suggestion, if one knew Aaron enough, they'd know he was not budging on his stance.
Sighing, Briar reluctantly returned to the car, Otto in tow. After directing a guard to remain with them, he led the others to the building where the former Lefevre maid was.

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