Chapter 18

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As per the man's orders, several treasures from vases to jewelry, were placed before Aaron and him from the auction's storage.
Turning from Aaron to the gathered crowd, he announced, "It's quite simple, some of these items are fake while others are the genuine thing. Whoever identifies the most correctly, wins."
The chatter in the crowd grew after his announcement, the man who had challenged Aaron apparently had an uncle who was a renowned treasure hunter so he was supposedly at a major disadvantage.
Within moments, the conversations from the crowd had shifted from who had a higher chance of winning to a betting match, where a majority of them had placed their all on Aaron's challenger.
While on his side, Isabella and another aged woman stood, placing their bets on him. Ignoring the jeering, Isabella understood her actions were risky, but should he rise to the occasion like he did with spotting the hidden painting, her rewards would be far greater.
Drawing an accurate assumption about Isabella's motive, Aaron turned away, focusing on the antiques set before them.
After the signal the match went underway, with either side going neck to neck, but it was then he noticed it. The pieces before Aaron were far more complex than those before his challenger and if that wasn't enough, there were subtle hints next to the pieces.
After some contemplating, Aaron decided to put on an act. Walking towards him, he pretended to stumble, knocking down the vase much to everyone's shock.
Holding the edge in a manner that would make it easier for the staff to catch it all while giving minimum damage to it, Aaron swiftly picked the paper that was beneath it, apologizing sheepishly and returning to his position.
He exhaled, the ghost of a smile on his face as he noticed the bewildered expression his challenger had, the corner of his lips rising as he met his gaze.
"Why don't we use my final piece instead, I insist." The man glanced at the eager crowd nervously and walked towards it. He knew there was no way he could back out now, not after he had called this much attention to himself and people had begun betting.
"In fact you go first."
A gasp and laughter rippled through the crowd. Isabella couldn't understand why Aaron would do something as risky as that, but seeing the calm expression the elderly lady beside her wore, she decided to be calm and keep hoping.
He clenched his fists tightly much to Aaron's amusement while he pretended to analyze the vase before him.
Everyone held their breath as he turned around to give his announcement. "It's original."
"Wrong." Aaron's response cut off any cheer before it could grow, his footsteps echoing in the somewhat silent hallway.
"It's obvious a fake like you was going to fail this." Aaron stated with mock disappointment, walking to the vase and turning it to reveal the rim. Running his finger along it, he called for a staff member to bring an authentic version, which when done showed the slight difference between the two.
A series of groans passed through the crowd as they reluctantly handed over their money to Isabella and the elderly woman, the only two who had chosen to side with Aaron.
"You dirty fraud!" A yell escaped the crowd, aimed at the organizer of the challenge.
"All you did was ride on your uncle's name and look now, you made us waste all our money on you!"
"I never asked any of you to bet, you greedy pigs!!" A loud slap echoed right after his statement as a tall agitated man stood before him.
"Throw this man out of here before we do it, ourselves!!" The crowd yelled, and he was dragged out of the event, the last thing he saw before his back hit the pavement was Aaron's smug grin.

His smirk vanished as he returned his gaze to Isabella and the woman beside him, surprise and then relief showing on his features.
"It's a pleasure to see you again, Mrs Wagner." Aaron remarked with a small smile, the woman matching his expression while she waved off his formalities.
"There's no need for formalities between family. Well, I've had my fun for now, I'll be on my way." Aaron smiled in response to her remark, and saw her off, returning to meet the surprised Isabella.
"That was Mrs Wagner? Otto Wagner's wife??"
"Yes, it was." Aaron replied curtly, taking away the briefcase of money that she held in hand easily.
"Everything went according to your plan, didn't it?" He stated, his jovial expression nowhere to be seen.
"I don't get what you mean?"
Letting out an annoyed sigh, Aaron stated, "You were looking for someone to rid you of that pest, so you decided either you get someone good enough to have him gone or a nobody who he can get drunk of the fame of embarrassing, am I wrong?"
She went silent, pointedly avoiding Aaron's cold gaze while fiddling with her fingers.
"I simply went along because he began to annoy me, and nuisances like him need to be put in their place, but," he walked closer to her, his tone taking on a threatening growl, "I do not appreciate being used."
"...sorry." Isabella muttered, her gaze on his feet. For the first time in a long while, aside from her father she met a man that had scared her as much as he had intrigued her.
"That won't cut it." He exhaled, staring at the ceiling for a moment. Walking closer to her, he lowered his head so he could whisper directly into her ear.
"From this moment on, you are my property, Isabella Garcia, and not even Commissioner Garcia can change that, understood?" His icy tone sent shivers down her spine, but even she wasn't exactly sure the sensations she felt were solely based on fear.
"...understood." She muttered, her breathing growing labored.
"Good." Turning back to a door at the end of the hall, Aaron focused his attention on the staff member who had just walked in, supposedly there with an announcement to make.
"The auction will now begin, please head into the hall, thank you."
Aaron gestured with his head at the door, "Let's go."

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