Chapter 11

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The black car rolled to a stop right outside the city bank, the occupants noting the woman who stood across the street.
"Looks like she's yet to cash in the cheque." Andre stated, leaning forward to get a good look at her.
Aaron hummed in response. He assumed that she hadn't cashed it in due to either fear or respect as she would want to speak with him once more before accepting it.
The woman named Maria looked up and noticed the two familiar men donning business casuals approach her.
Realizing it was her benefactors, she rushed to them, bowing to greet, an act which Aaron stopped halfway.
"I see you've yet to cash it in?" Aaron asked, gesturing at the slip in her hands.
"You mentioned that you would meet me here so I decided to wait instead." Maria remarked politely, not holding Aaron's gaze for the most part.
Glancing back at Andre who was on a call, he turned back to her, gesturing at the bank.
"Let's head inside then, I have some work to do here myself."

The three stepped into the bank, separating upon entry to fulfill their tasks.
Andre delivered the news, the shareholders had agreed to sell. Whatever Aaron did during negotiations seemed to have worked quite well.
Closing their deal in the inner chambers of the bank, the duo stepped out noting Maria who waited nervously.
She had done so per instructions as Aaron had decided to take her to a new place of work.

A short drive later, before them stood the prestigious establishment; Twilight, that which had seen the beginning of the Rose family's rise to power.
Walking inside and heading straight to the head office, Aaron couldn't help but chuckle at Maria's bewilderment.
When she was told she would be taken to a different place to work, she expected maybe as a janitor or at most a chef in a random office cafeteria.
But she didn't dare to think that she would be standing before Otto Wagner, one of the most famous and powerful men in the region.
While watching the conversation between her benefactors and her soon to be boss, she noticed that although their chat was business oriented, it wasn't as formal as one would expect.
Maria wondered just what relationship the three men shared.
"Maria." Jerking at the call of her name, she turned to the men bowing apologetically.
Waving it off, Otto scanned the papers before her, making the announcement that would decide the fate of her and her children.
"You start work tomorrow. I'll give you a letter that'll mention your pay, insurance and the benefits from working here. Is that fine with you?"
Nodding vigorously as her eyes watered, she replied, "Yes, yes it is, sir."
Turning to Andre and Aaron, she bowed repeatedly, "Thank you, thank you."
Andre rose, patting her shoulder encouragingly before turning to Aaron. "Onto the next part yes?"
"Yes." Aaron stood, buttoning his coat as he turned to Otto. "You have my thanks, Mr Wagner."
"You're welcome. I wish you luck with your endeavors." Otto greeted as the three exited his office.

Pablo was used to getting customers of different kinds; usually from a certain caliber in society rather than from all works of life, but what he hadn't experienced was a previous client who was thrown out of his restaurant, returning.
"What the hell are you doing here?!" Pablo asked angrily. He had no time to deal with the duo before him, and Maria's presence agitated him more.
"You didn't turn in to work this morning and now you just waltz in? Get lost street trash! You're fired! I don't want to ever see you step foot in this building ever again!"
Inhaling deeply, Maria spoke up, for the first time when interacting with Pablo, her eyes weren't filled with fear but determination.
"I am here to turn in my resignation."
A collective gasp rang out from the kitchen, the staff and other onlookers who were aware of her background were left stunned by her declaration.
"Oh, is that so? Let's see how you'll feed those dirty piglets at home now! I'll make sure of it, no one in this city will hire you!"
An applause startled the onlookers, Aaron's hands slowly coming to a halt as he noticed he had caught their attention.
"Now that you've ceased your prattling, I'd like to ask all staff to escort the present clients outside. We're closing for some maintenance." Aaron stated, everyone else remaining silent and rooted to their spot.
"You roadside trash! On who's authority?!"
"On my authority." Aaron's cold tone silenced Pablo, unnerving him further.
"This restaurant and its branches are under new management." Andre stepped forward, handing Aaron a document with a stamp that showed ownership had been transferred to him.
Handing the paper to Pablo, Aaron smirked, clapping his hands once more. "Alright people, get to it. I'll fire you if you don't."
There was a pause and the staff began to move, apologizing and directing the few customers present out of the restaurant.
Whilst this happened, Pablo stood unmoving as he tried and failed to process what had just happened.
How had he gone from being the owner of one of the largest chain of restaurants in the region to being a nobody? And just who was this man that was able to do such within a day?
"Now to deal with you." Aaron's chilly tone snapped him out of his stupor, his eyes widening fearfully at what would become of him.
Walking around the empty restaurant, Aaron scanned it, his eyes resting on some half eaten food on a table before him.
"Maria." She looked up at the sound of her name, visibly curious.
"Tell us exactly why he has been harassing you all this time." Aaron met her gaze with a solemn look, "Don't leave anything out."
Maria stared at her feet, holding her hand tightly for a few seconds. Taking a deep breath, she spoke gently at first but her anger and frustration got the better of her towards the end of the statement.

She explained what had happened; how he attempted to paw her on several occasions, many of which failed. She continued, stating that due to her resistance he decided to single her out to be harassed.
Anyone who attempted to help her would have a fate far worse than hers befall them.
The restaurant had lost two people on that account and due to Pablo's status in society, a police report would do very little to affect him and will only incur more of his rage.
Ending her narration, Maria exhaled shakily, wiping away the tears that threatened to spill.

"What was the last threat he made to you?" Aaron asked, the lack of emotion in his tone startling her.
"T-that I should clean up or I would lick…the food off the floor."
Upon hearing Maria's reply, Aaron picked the half eaten meal before him and dumped it by his shoes.
Turning to Pablo with a heartless stare, he stated. "Lick it."

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