Chapter 14

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Aaron had gone to the Lefevre household with the intention of negotiating a deal that would not only grant him a prominent figure as an ally but would also provide him a large network of contacts.
But what he didn't expect was that a poison that had forced him to learn medical skills to survive will rear its ugly head thousands of miles away.
After all, with the symptoms he saw, there was no way what the daughter of the household was dealing with was anything but said poison.
Silently weighing the pros and cons of his mentally suggested set of actions against each other, the masked Aaron decided to follow through.
Walking to the opposite side of the bed, he observed Henri's daughter closely, tapping the bottom of his mask while he confirmed his suspicion.
But he decided to remain silent, waiting to see just how desperate Henri was to save his child.
It was then a man who bore a likeness to the Lefevre household head, the same one who had inspected her with his stethoscope, brought out a can of medications from a bag beside him.
Judging that it would only make his work more difficult, Aaron clapped loudly, gaining their attention.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you." He stated coolly, facing Henri's son.
Walking to the unmoving doctor, Aaron plucked the medicine from his hands, turning it around and reading the label.
"What do you think you're doing?!" The man yelled angrily.
Silently glancing across the room, Aaron noted that even Briar and Otto wore expressions of curiosity.
Placing it on the table beside the girl's bed, Aaron crossed his arms and stated, "I know what's bothering your daughter and I can make it go away…for a price."
"Really?" Henri asked, not even bothering to hide the bewilderment he felt.
"Why would you listen to this quack, father?! And you!" He turned to Aaron, continuing, "What do you know about medicine?! I've been practicing as a doctor for 3 years!"
"Yet you're unable to do anything worthwhile, shame." Aaron stated mockingly. Returning his attention to Henri, he said.
"Is your daughter's life worth owing me a favor?"
Answering without hesitation, he said, "Yes."
Aaron silently nodded, beckoning at Briar to hand him his phone.
Stepping out of the room while ignoring the young Lefevre doctor's protest, he called the Alvarez head, explaining his current predicament and the equipment he needed.
Returning to his position at the edge of the room, it was then Henri's question that broke the tense and somewhat hopeful silence that settled in the room.
"Are you really able to save my daughter?"
Crossing his arm and giving him a sidelong glance, Aaron replied, "I said I would and I will. Worrying won't solve anything, just settle down and get my rewards ready, and you," he turned to Henri's son, "Keep her hydrated, you can at least do that much with your years of experience, can't you?"
The doctor clenched his fists and jaw tightly, but a single look from his father quenched every one of his malicious thoughts towards Aaron.
Exhaling exasperatedly, he opened his briefcase and got to work, doing his best to keep his suffering sister as hydrated as possible.

Moments passed and the sound of hurried footsteps broke the monotony the room's occupants exhibited. Rushing into view, a suited man brought a large brown briefcase and handed it to Aaron.
Placing it on a cupboard, he searched the bag, nodding as he confirmed all the necessary ingredients before he sent his subordinate off with a wave.
Turning back to Henri, Aaron asked, "Where's your kitchen?"

While guiding him to his inquired destination, Henri was hopeful, but as he watched his benefactor work, he became more astonished than hopeful.
As far as Henri knew, Don Rose was just the head of a rising mafia. While Henri did acknowledge his management skills and smarts since he was recommended by Otto, he didn't expect that the same man would have such medical knowledge.
Stepping back, Aaron tugged on his rolled sleeves and shifted his mask to wipe his forehead, returning his gaze to his handiwork.
After his mortifying experience with the poison that was now the Lefevre lady's problem, there was no way he could forget the recipe to create the most efficient antidote, out of the very few that exist.
He put on his black leather gloves and picked up the pot before him, transferring the heated antidote into a thermos flask that was brought for him.
"Let's head upstairs, shall we?" Aaron told Henri, walking past the stationary Briar who had his coat in hand.
Upon getting into her room, Henri's daughter was made to sit upright per Aaron's orders. Afterwards, he had her ingest the warm greenish liquid from a small cup before putting her back to rest.
"Is that it?" Henri asked nervously, afraid to upset his benefactor.
Facing his son instead of him, Aaron asked. "You saw the amount I administered to her, yes?"
He nodded silently.
"Good. Give her for a week, every morning and evening and you'll get your healthy sister back." Aaron stated, patting his shoulder and walking past him.
Facing Henri, he remarked, "I'll be heading off now. Spend some time with your daughter and follow my instructions to the latter and I'll come back in a week to check."
"Thank you. Thank you." Henri stated enthusiastically, tears threatening to spill. After a trying year of watching his daughter suffer while being unable to do anything to help her, he was finally presented with a chance to see her free from her pain.
"Don't think I'm doing this out of the good of my heart," Aaron stated, facing a black haired maid who held a tray with teacups, "I will take back what I'm owed."
And with that he exited the room, Briar and Otto in tow.

"Might I ask where you recognized the poison from, Aaron my boy?" Otto asked as the car started its journey to their destination.
"A place that's long gone now. Speaking of," he glanced at Briar, asking, "Can I get the employment list of Mr Lefevre's house?"
"On it, sir." Briar replied, starkly returning her gaze to her tablet.
"Any reason in particular, you asked for that?" Otto asked, his curiosity getting the better out of him.
Recalling the face of the last personnel he saw, before leaving Henri, Aaron replied cryptically.
"They have an enemy in their midst."

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