6. Battle for the Allspark

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Since the Autobots are surrounded by a pissed-off Soundblaster, Optimus Prime and the others are attacked by Sparkless Zombies. Oh no! Moonracer is dead! But, at least they got the Allspark. Bye-bye, Zombies!

Meanwhile, Impactor and his group hold off the Seekers for as long as they can. But, Sideswipe can't seem to contact Autobot Command, thanks to Sondwave's Virus. But look on the bright side: Arcee's transport arrives at the Ark, so they must be ready to depart, not if the 'Cons have something to say about it.

Then, Bumblebee wakes up, but where are the AT Protocols? They're gone?! Screw it, grab your weapon, Bee. it's time to rock! Jetfire and Starscream settle their fight. Megatron knows that Prime is headed for the Ark with the Allspark in his hands. Fearing the likely destruction of Cybertron upon the Allspark's removal, Megatron orders Starscream to cease fighting Jetfire and to destroy the Space Bridge, and orders Soundwave to destroy the Ark

Wait, this is just like the Cybertron Arc of Transformers Chronicles.

Anyway, Optimus gets word from Cog that Megatron is coming after him. Optimus and Hound take cover to inform Mirage that they have more Seekers incoming. Cog warns Prime about the approaching Decepticons, who then forwards the message to Mirage and Impactor. Megatron intercepts Prime on the way to the Space Bridge, and they each argue that the other has caused the destruction of Cybertron.

Megatron: "I won't let you destroy Cybertron!"

Optimus: "And I won't let you enslave it!"

The Space Bridge is activated and Prime and Megs are in a showdown for the Allspark. But, Bumblebee saves Prime and he throws it through the Space Bridge. Megs is really pissed now, so he orders all Autobots destroyed on sight. Then, look who's here! Omega Supreme!

Megatron: "Omega Supreme! So the Guardians have chosen a side in this conflict!"

Omega Supreme: "My actions are my own, Megatron. For the good of Cybertron, you must be stopped!"

As the Autobots are boarding the ship, Red Alert is shot down by a Decepticon. Elita refuses to leave. She wants to stay and protect what's left of Cybertron along with Omega Supreme. And so, the Autobots fly the Ark into the Spacebridge.

Chromia wonders if the Ark made it through safely; Elita replies that they must honor the sacrifice of every Autobot who died on the ship. She knows that the war hasn't ended, and exhorts Chromia and Red Alert to continue fighting the good fight against Megatron. Jetfire emerges from the wreckage of the spacebridge and joins their group.

As for the Autobots, well, they're in space where no on can hear them scream.

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