The Lake House

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A book written by James Patterson.

Rating: 1/5 stars

I should have read the first one, When The Wind Blows, and maybe that would have tipped me off about this one being absolutely atrocious. 

I do not recommend this book. AT ALL. DO NOT READ. 

I bought this book years ago and never read it until now and I regret every second of reading. 


Because there were two scenes of kids, KIDS, having sex. >:( 

Not to mention the constant smothering of praises saying they were beautiful and they were grown even though it mentions their ages several times. 

Just because they're half bird doesn't make them any less of a kid. 

Also, it mentions the six kids having high IQs but they did not show that once. They all made really bad decisions the entire book.

Aside from that major atrocity, the story has so many gaps and the characters make no sense. 

The two adults that are supposed to watch the six bird kids fail at that miserably, at one point preferring to have sex rather than go looking for them when they go missing. Just ugh no!!!

They don't even give an ounce of worry about the missing kids. 

The adult guy is a moron, laughing and praising the woman after she tells him they were almost killed. Because that makes total sense in that situation.

There was a lot of heavy pointless romance bits, skipped information, scenes where the bad guys should still be there trying to stop them from escaping and such, and points where the villain is creepily having sex with a robot.

I used to love James Patterson while in school and now I regret ever having been a fan now that I'm older and see the wrongs. 

Don't ever read this book. 

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