I Can See Your Stats S1

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Author: CarpeXD

Available On: Manta

Genre: Lgbtq, Romance, Fantasy, Drama, Mystery, Murder, Comedy

Rating: 4.8/5


Eyra lost his whole family in a single night and found himself the lord of his family estate.

However, no one trusts him because he is a mage.

He decides to go out to explore Solath, the town he rules over, and meets a man named Yanu.

The two become entangled with each other and Eyra senses he should run away but he can't let go.

Yanu is hiding a secret but Eyra can't place his finger on what it could be. Not until one evening when someone interrupts their date...


I absolutely love this one! Honestly I've been enjoying almost every single book lol. This one is another great one. I'm supposed to be sleeping but I couldn't resist finishing this today!

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