Falling For A Dying Princess S1

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Author: jeonhoochi

Available to read: Manta

Rating: 4.5/5


Tetra Fever, a demonic curse that causes five bouts of terrible fevers. After the last one, the victim dies.

The first princess of the empire is diagnosed with this awful curse at a young age. She finds herself being treates differently by all, including her mother.

Hating it, she goes on a journey to find a cure for her curse and ends up kidnapped.

The kidnapper and the princess end up having to fight for their lives when they become ensnared in a basilisk's trap.

Will they survive and will she escape the kidnapper?


It started off slow and a bit weird but it got really good the further I read.

I love the mystery shown at the start and the different possible answers presented. I've never read a book with such a plot before.

I plan to read s2 when it's completed and hopefully add it to this challenge.

I love Jade, Zelda, and the princess. Those three are great characters and I love the backstory on how they met.

The story was full of action, sweet romance, and betrayals. The plot is quite interesting and I find the princess being a total crazy baddie as she fights for her life.

As for the romance aspect, there are several possibilities as to who she ends up with and I honestly can't tell who she'll end up with. Though I'm hoping she goes for Jade.

If you're a fan of harem romance fantasies, this is for you.

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