Werewolves Going Crazy Over Me S1

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Author: Manta Comics

Available On: Manta

Genre: Supernatural, Romance, Drama, Mystery

Rating: 5/5


Damien is the ceo of Terracure, a pharmaceutical company pushing for cures and treatments for rare diseases.

Behind the scenes, he is working to make a drug that can help werewolves live among humans.

He himself takes the medication due to being a werewolf.

Olivia is a single mother whose daughter suffers an unknown disease. She meets Damien one rainy night and saves his life only to find herself thrown into a world of chaos.

She only wants to save her daughter and faces the dangers head on regardless of her own safety, even signing away herself to Damien in order to get his help in saving her daughter.

But there is more that Damien wants from her. She has the ability to quell the instincts of the wolf and heal wounds. But how can he tell her that without endangering her life even more?


I very rarely read werewolf based stories due to how insanely offensive they can be.

That's a whole rant I won't get into.

This story started off slow for me but quickly picks up and I found myself completely absorbed.

I admire Olivia and feel so bad for Damien. As someone who suffers chronic debilitating migraines, I feel his pain. I ship these two but I also ship Olivia with her friend, Max. Poor guy.

Definitely a must read.

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