My Sweet Enemy, Thy Name Is Husband Season 1

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Author: slope, Manta

Available to read on Manta app

Rating: 5/5


First Princess Eusebia of Arcaea was chosen as the guardian of her small kingdom as a child. The citizens looked up to her to bring their kingdom from the brink of destruction. However, her power wasn't as great as it seemed.

With their kingdom teetering on the edge of collapse and the Riadon Empire pushing their borders, she made the decision to marry Emperor Canache Riadon in an attempt to save her kingdom.

But there are forces working in the dark that threaten not only her kingdom's survival but her life as well as her work to save Arcaea.

Can she prevent war and the destruction of Arcaea while fighting to survive herself?


I absolutely enjoyed the first season of this webcomic.

The story is intriguing and absorbing. It kept me on the edge of my seat with certain scenes and the female lead is such a baddie in my honest opinion.

She works hard despite everything thrown at her.

The art is beautiful too❤️.

My favorite character so far is Eusebis herself. Despite all of her trauma, she works hard to keep war from breaking out, save her home kingdom, and so much more. Trying really hard to not spoil it 😂

The romance scenes were sweet with a few brief hinted heavy scenes.

There is an official novel to this webcomic but I do not know as of yet if it has been translated from Korean.

Definitely recommend for anyone looking for a sweet romance with little to no romantic drama.

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