Chapter 1: A New Beginning

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Reincarnation is something that is believed by many cultures, religions, and people all around the world. But in the end, there never  was and still never is any definitive proof. It is a fantastical concept, knowing that we as humans never truly die. But what is the point of it all? Even if one is reincarnated, they become totally different people, they forget everything from their past lives. All the memories, experiences, loved ones. Everything that made them who they were... gone. But, this is all assuming reincarnation is real.

Well, what if I told you that reincarnation is real, and in fact commonplace. People reincarnate all the time, but unfortunately lose their memories of past lives. Everyone starts fresh when they are reborn. Even still, as these souls live their new lives, they will most likely run into the same people from past lives, have the same issues, make the same mistakes and so forth. Reincarnation reveals the cyclic nature of reality and to many this may seem horrible and unfair. But what can they do if they don't even know its happening. They're stuck in a system they don't know about and have no power to change. They have no power or control over what kind of life they will be reborn into, or the choice to even choose whether they will or will not be reborn.

While systems like these are usually set in stone, remaining immutable, there are always exceptions. Some souls gain the privilege of choosing to reincarnate while also keeping their memories. As to why these souls are granted such a blessing, that's for another time to discuss.

One such soul was recently reincarnated. They still don't know why they were given this chance but what they do know is that this life was already off to a much better start. In this life, he was known as X.

X was born as the son of a very affluent married couple of doctors. His parents were not only doctors but also the directors of one of the biggest hospitals in the country. They were well respected and kind people who did their best to help people. At home, they were loving parents who provided their child with everything he could ever want. At work, they were the best doctors a patient could ask for. In public, they were genuinely just nice, humble people who others loved and respected and wanted to be around.

X's life was basically set. He had everything he could ever need or want, from money, to loving parents, to opportunities provided to him due to his family's prestige. Add his past life memories and you have a perfect package. Everything seemed to be going great in X's early years. He excelled in academics and sports, had a lot of friends, was well loved by those around him, and even showed promise in creative fields. He wasn't lacking in anyway. All of this ended up getting to his head, blinding him from the situation he was in. Despite the perfect life however, he did notice that some things seemed off. For one, his birthday was the same as his previous life, Dec 25th 1999. That meant he was reincarnated to the past, not the future or some other world. If anything, it was more of a parallel reality that was extremely similar to his original timeline. Regardless, he carried on with his life without worrying too much about the details.

Up until his 23rd birthday, X lived a normal life. Of course, his upbringing was a bit different having been reincarnated and retaining his memories and all, but still, it was an ordinary life. At this point in time, X was a med student. He wanted to follow in his parents' footsteps and become a great doctor just like them. Because he had the best role models and teachers to learn from, he was able to get into med school right after undergrad. Nowadays, X is swamped with his studies and so is usually cooped up in his room. During this year, he also began feeling an overwhelming sense of dread, like the feeling one gets when something terrible will happen soon. A premonition if you will. He brushed it off thinking it was just the stress of being a med student and carried on with his life.

1 week before X's 24th birthday
Dec 18th 2023

X: Finally done... I can finally go home!

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