Future Plans for the Story

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Hi guys,

For those of you that have found my story and decided to give it a read, thank you so much. I'm still a newbie when it comes to writing so my story in its current state is terrible. But I wanted to at least put something out there and work on things as time passes and gain more experience while I'm at it.

That said, below are a list of things I'd like to share regarding things I plan on updating, changing, or fixing:

* The first thing I would like to update are the names of characters. I really struggle with naming characters and so about half the characters that show up in the first 8 chapters have placeholder names (like unnamed reincarnator 1, or X). For the protagonist, since he will live numerous lives, I thought a placeholder name like X would be suitable for the majority of his lives, at least, the ones where he doesn't accomplish much. There will be arcs in which the protagonist will have actual names, and these arcs will have him go up against fearsome foes.

* The dialogue could use a lot of work. I want it to be a bit more natural. Right now, it feels like a lot of dialogue is just one character asks a question and the other answers and its just a back and forth. Will definitely like to smooth things out.

* The few action sequences I included in the first 8 chapters (chapters 6 and 7 in particular) need a lot of work. It was hard to translate what I envisioned to writing.

* The overall flow of the story thus far is alright in my opinion, but was slightly different from my original vision. I'll most likely update the sequence of events in the future, and make things connect a bit more nicely

* Grammar, punctuation, spelling. 

* The cover page/art for the series will be updated. I'll try making something more original

* The title is temporary. Samsara is a sanskrit term. It generally refers to the cyclic nature of reality or life. We all are born, live out our lives, die, and are reborn to continue this cycle. There are better more descriptive definitions of the term online but that's the gist of it. I felt like this term encapsulates my story so I decided to stick with it for now. I'll try coming up with a better more memorable title though.

If you guys as the readers have any feedback or criticisms whatsoever, feel free to share. I'll be sure to work on my story with feedback/criticisms from the readers in mind.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 20 ⏰

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SamsaraTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang