Chapter Six

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The telethon was a success. Not only did they raise millions for the Smile charity, but Jonas' phone had been ringing off the hook in the five days since the telethon, with lots of offers for new jobs.

"This is so exciting," squealed Amber. She and Jonas were sitting in their London apartment, and Jonas was staring at his phone.

"Do you really think I could go back to showbiz and win back the love of the public?" asked Jonas.

"Are you kidding? Of course you could!" Amber put her hands on Jonas' shoulders and shook him gently. "People love you more than you know, Jonas."

That made Jonas smile. "Thank you, Amber." He took her in his arms and kissed her. "I love you."

Within the next hour, Jonas had snapped up a new TV show and a new album. Amber was beyond excited, and if he were honest, so was Jonas.

With Jonas' permission, Amber sent Daisy a message to tell her the good news.

Amber: New album and TV show incoming!

Daisy: No way! I'm so excited!

Amber: Me too. We must meet up soon, Daisy.

Daisy: Agreed. Hey, I have a week off from college soon, maybe we could meet up then?

Amber: That would be awesome. I can't wait to see you!


Daisy made the short journey from her college dorm to Amber and Jonas' apartment. Her stomach was filled with butterflies as she pressed the buzzer. She hadn't seen Amber or Jonas in so long, and was excited to see them again.

Soon enough, Amber buzzed Daisy up to the apartment. Daisy flung her arms around Amber as soon as she saw her.

"I've missed you so much!" Daisy exclaimed.

"I've missed you too!" gushed Amber.

"Hi, Daisy," Jonas said, wrapping her in a hug. It made her heart flutter.

"How have you been?" asked Amber. "How's college?"

"Oh you know, same old, same old," said Daisy. "But all this new stuff for you, Jonas, is much more exciting."

"I knew you'd be excited," said Jonas.

"Amber said you were a little nervous about getting out there again."

Jonas ran his hand through his strawberry blonde hair. "I am a little."

"And you will be fine," said Amber, taking Jonas' hands in hers.

"So what's on the agenda for today?" asked Daisy.

"I was thinking we could go and have lunch somewhere," said Amber.

"Sounds good to me," Daisy shrugged.

"Me too," said Jonas.


Jonas couldn't go anywhere without being recognised. All throughout lunch, fans came up to him for a selfie and an autograph.

"I'm sorry, guys," said Jonas.

Amber shrugged. "I'm used to it, and I'm sure Daisy doesn't mind."

"I understand it's all part of the package," said Daisy, smiling. "You deserve it, Jonas."

"Except," said Jonas, "I'm not sure I do."

"Don't doubt your popularity, Jonas." Amber lovingly put a hand on Jonas' shoulder.

Suddenly, Jonas saw someone he recognised enter the restaurant. He shrugged it off, until she came up to their table.

"Rachel?" Daisy almost choked on her lemonade.

Amber rolled her eyes. "Not again."

"I knew you'd be here," said Rachel.

"How?" asked Jonas.

"I tracked your phone." Rachel held up her phone, on a tracking app.

"Rachel, you're crazy," said Jonas. "I told you, I'm with Amber now."

Daisy was still sitting there, open-mouthed, unable to believe what was unfolding in front of her.

Rachel made dagger eyes at Amber. Amber felt a chill run down her spine as she did.

"This is not over," said Rachel.

"Yes, it is," said Jonas. "We're leaving." He got up from the table, and Amber and Daisy followed suit.

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