the lobola negotiations

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I haven't switched on my phone since yesterday because i needed to think and go through different scenarios should things not go my way. I'm so hungry I've been leaving on fruits here and there so i order in and take a shower i need to be home no later than Friday night.
After taking a shower and my food is still here i drive out telling the security its his for lunch i leave. the 2 days drive to Durban feels like 2hours honestly i guess faith couldn't wait for me to get home.
It's 8pm when i pass security dinner is at 19:30 kwa Cebekhulu so im sure everyone is still at the table.

I am not expecting my wife to still be here so i freeze upon seeing her rage seeping through my veins and i feel them popping and my jaw tightening im so silent nobody notices until my wife drops her glass of juice and stares at me everyone follows her eyes and look  at me i stare back until Zano comes running to me hugs and kisses me before going to her room upon seeing my state shit i show my emotions too easily and being so light in complexion doesn't help me im sure i have turned red and my green veins are thick and throbbing.

My uncle clears his throat and says sit down son all the kids left the table during the starring contest so i take a sit opposite my wife looking her straight in the eye i ask

Me: why are you still here?
She's quite as if expecting someone to respond for her but this families has rules and one of them is never interrupt a man when his addressing his wife so we wait.
Me: answer me dammit!
Ziphozenkosi: Nkosana will take me there tomorrow morning. I turn to look at Nkosana and say I'll be taking my wife there myself. My beautiful wife is looking at her hands and playing with her ring and i can't help but feel a ping in my heart im so in love with this women.

I am brought back from my thoughts when may father asks everyone to leave us, they do its just me and my father's on the  table waiting for everyone to disappear when i notice her going upstairs
Me: Ziphozenkosi where are you going? She freezes mid step it takes a few seconds before she turns to look at me.
Ziphozenkosi :Ma said i could use the guest room for now.
Me: im home now so you don't have to you won't be alone.
She continues and i stand up immediately the chair scratching the floor she stops and says without looking back'im getting my stuff from the guest room and disappears.

Turning to my father's to see them looking at each other in some weird communication kind of way. my father says everything is sorted for tomorrow they leave in the morning around 4am. I thank them and take my leave when i hear my father call me
Qhawelempi, i dont turn around but stop

If you really want that girl to truely love you and not leave you some day you need to stop intimidating .


Im packing all my things in the guest room when my mother in law walks in she hugs me and tells me shes sorry she didn't stand up for me at the dinner table but it's the rules, well i find these rules redeculous, i think to myself

Me: it's okay ma i am gonna have to learn to be strong if im going to be qhawelempis wife i fake smile
Bathobile: you are already his wife.
she fakes her own smile call me if you need me she says and leaves
I take my time packing and taking a shower afterwards in hopes that he might be sleeping when i get to the rondavel.

Walking out the house i say good night to the father's and leave i feel their eyes Pierce my back and i know they feel sorry for me but i feel nothing i just don't care 8m numb.

The room is dark and i feel relief washes over me, i won't even be switching on the lights so i gently put the bags down and walk slowly to the bed when i notice a figure sitting fully clothed in the dark on the sofa and stop in my tracks.

Qhawelempi: don't let me stop you.
I say nothing and start undressing as im about to get in bed the light switches on and he say!

Qhawelempi: come sit with me we need to have a heart drops to my stomach as i bend down to get my gown

Qhawelempi: theres no need for that i haven't seen you naked for a week. I slowly walk to where he is and sit at the other end off the couch but he stretches his arm and pulls me to his leap.

Qhawelempi: tomorrow you will be my wife traditionally and that's the only ceremony that matters to me I'll introduce you to my ancestors, i will expect you to fulfil your duties as my wife from now on, i don't want you going to your family anymore, you will decrease your communication with my family when we go back to Joburg, i know we lost our baby and its partly my fault but we will get through it together just me and you and then try for another baby i will do anything for you and i mean anything but now this union is not about any debt trust me you now have my family wrapped around your little thumb and they will now protect you and will never do anything to hurt you but trust me if you ever leave me or run away from me i will hunt you down and bring you back here after  I've killed everything that breaths at your partenal home.

Im just too shocked to even say anything so i just look at him.

Qhawelempi: do you have any questions or ideas

I look at him I'm marrying a mad man his lost his mind. He raises an eyebrow and i shake my head no

He carries me and puts me under the covers and starts undressing then joins me in bed pulling me to his chest a second later i start crying and he just holds me no move or word him

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