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I couldn't believe my eyes when i saw bonga earlier and I'm a little mad at my sister for not telling me his in the country.

Bonga has been the only male friend i have ever had though people thought we'd end up together some day and i can't honestly deny that deep down i also hoped we would but we lost contact when he moved abroad and that was that.

Walking out of the gate my eyes land on my husband and i sigh... sometimes my reality hits me hard but i always try and hope for the best, today i just want to enjoy being home with my family and friends forget all about him and his threats.

I could see him from the corner of my eyes walking towards me when we passed where they had parked their car but then his cousin pulled him back and now an hour later as im walking with bonga who i had bumped into at the store and almost fainted it been so long.

"I can't believe i came back a week before your lobola negotiations " he says pulling me out of my thoughts " i heard your sister say his a lunertic, why did you agree to marry him?"

"It's my fate Bonga there was no way of dodging this marriage" he sighs " what if you went back to the states with me tomorrow? just leave everything behind and start over?"

I couldn't hide my shock at his suggestion or is a request!

If i didn't know better I'd say he has feeling for me but he had never confessed anything to me before or even showed any signs of wanting any other relationship either then friendship from me.

"I can't this is my life now" i say looking at him " do you love him? is that it?" His words come out almost inaudible as if he was asking himself the question.

I can see Qhawelempis car from here so he can see us too I decided to put a little distance between me and Bonga but he notices and his hand lands on my chin tilting my head up so that he looks into my eyes as if searching for something.

"Is he forcing you to marry him?"
I am about to respond whe he asks" is he abusing you?"

I move my head out of his grasp and turn my eyes back to the gravel road " Bonga me and you live in two completely different worlds now and you won't survive in mine!" I look at him and i can see pain and regret.

Is he feeling sorry for me or maybe his thinking thing's would be different if he hadn't left and yes they probably would but we can't dwell on what could have been.

Still looking straight ahead i can see my husband opening his door so i quickly decide to put Bongas mind or heart whatever it is at ease "Bonga he chose me and i him, I can't imagine my life without him, i feel like i wasn't alive until i met him its like i was not living but gliding through life and he brought me into his world one im still trying to navigate and find myself at the same time"

i sigh and look at him "i do not have any wishes of leaving my husband and will not put you in harms way like that because trust me my husband would be waiting for us in the states before we even touch the ground and that would be your last breath."

He looked at me with shock in his eyes and before he could say anything Bang.....Bang



After firing the second shot i look at Zipho who is still screaming with her hand  covering her mouth, she takes a step towards her screaming boyfriend whose not sure whether to clush at his bleeding abdomen or knee.

He will be fine but I'm 100% sure he will limp for the rest of his life ...good reminder to stay the fuck away from my wife. I think to myself satisfied with the results of my work.

"Take one more step and the next bullet goes through his head" I warn and stop her mid step, I'm glad she took my warning seriously or else her boyfriends brain matters would be all over this gravel road.

Moment's later Nqu grabs her from behind carrying  her to the car  fireman style while she kicks and scream.

Kneeling down next to her love i give him a murderous grin " if i ever find out you tried making any contact with my wife ever again i will hunt you down and make you watch while i kill everyone in your family including your chickens, nothing that breaths in your house will be left to tell the story" i snare

He shivers looking around to see if anyone is coming to help him while sobbing"  you won't die just yet" I say and walk away passing a crowd of people who on their way to help him, i smile to myself when everyone moves aside creating a pathway for me.

My father's car starts moving as soon as they see me walking to my car, I'm definitely sure they were waiting to backup me up should a gun fight start but this boy is weak and so are his brothers.

I get in my car, fire up the engine and speed off...not caring that this is a dirt road my car can take it.
I can't look at the women in my passenger sit right now and i know that i need to get home drop her off and go blow some steam some where else or ill end up doing something i might or might not regret.

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