the road leading home

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I woke up with ziphozenkosi sprawled over  me, her entire body on top of mine you would swear the bed had mites but i like the sight I'm seeing and today I want to see her reaction when she wakes up so i lay still.

Reaching for my phone i type a message to my uncle "please don't go there early Ziphozenkosi is still sleeping we'll be late" sent, minutes later a message from my uncle chimes in " unfortunately for  her we need to do this the right way so we'll be there no later than 6am and you are expected to be there atleast at 7am so wake her up" i don't want to wake her up because I know how much that pisses me of when someone does it to me but i have no choice so i shake her a little and she moans in frustration "baby wake up we need to get going "i whisper and she cracks an eye open and than the other one. Looking down at our sleeping position i expect her to jump out off bed like before but instead she rubs her eyes and asks me what time it is? I tell her its 5am and we need to get ready and she stretches still on top of me then slides off me then out of bed,  walks butt naked to the bathroom and I'm left amused.

My woman is full of surprises not long ago she was covering up and all weird in bed and now she's walking around the room naked  i
think  she's getting comfortable with me now or maybe she's excepted that she's mine forever.

I get out of bed when I hear the shower running follow her  and get under the spray, i wash myself quickly and start helping her wash as she tells me how she's using a top to toe shower gel because shes also washing her dreads and complains that she would normally wash her hair at a salon but she couldn't go because I didn't want her to leave the house and i listen attentively as a good husband would than  offer to help her dry her hair but she declines saying that it won't dry using just a towel  she needs certain machine so today she'll just have wet hair all day, at this point my mind is split in two listening to her and thinking how i need to find out what equipments she needs for her to have her own salon in the house so that she doesn't have to stress about having to go to one.

We get ready im in  black jeans, white T-shirt, suit jacket and sneakers and she's wearing her pink maxi dress with sleepers, i love her sense of style she's not the suffer for beauty kind of girl not my usual type of girl, i always went for the slay queens were everything was fake from head to toe including the love they claimed to have for me, but i  knew i would never marry any of those girls so it was easy to leave once  i was done with them.


We are half way home and I'm reading my book on Kindle and his driving, there's silence in the car but not the awkward type of silence, I've noticed that he never talks or play music in the car, i guess he likes the quietness.

I feel eyes watching me and lift mine  meeting his gaze i shake my head and go back to my book
"we should get something to eat" he says pulling into the garage, he orders alot of different food I don't ask questions and follow him to the car.
"Are we seriously going to be eating in the car why didn't we just eat at one of the restaurant's?" Im so annoyed!  He  doesn't look at me but responds "because we are late, you stayed up all night and couldn't wake up this morning and i had to wait for two hours before i woke you up,
I'm sure you would've slept through your lobola negotiations had i not woken you up" he looks at me then continues "you'll have to feed me since I'm driving"  i stare at him for a moment before he asks for Nando's chicken nevertheless i feed him and eat while i tell him about the day mother, Zano and i went shopping and that i own Short's ill never wear outside the house because i let Zano convince me into buy them and his laughing, the next moment his all serious and changes the subject
" Ziphozenkosi we need to talk" i look at him and wonder why i didn't choose to study phycology instead of medicine because atleast I'd have an idea or even a diagnosis for whatever he has.

"You will not be bringing me any food from your house I don't trust your family" he looks at me for a second then back to the road and continues " we will not be staying long as soon as the negotiations are done we leave, weather they celebrate or mourn is up to them" at this point i feel like throwing in a sarcastic laugh but I don't so I let him continue " you will behave yourself I don't want you going to your neighbours to say hi to your childhood friends or walking around for no reason"

Before i can control my mouth i throw in " well too bad i was planning to meet up with my 'now 'ex boyfriend and explain to him why i left without a word" of course I'm lying and i regret it as soon as the words leave my mouth and though he has turned red and his jaws are tightening he tries and keeps his cool.

The rest of the trip is quiet with him driving and me just looking out the side window to avoid his gaze.

Not long after he parks the car  2 kilometres from  the gate and i see the grounds i used to play on and the mountain i saw every morning when i opened my window and wish this was just a bad dream and I'll wake up to find things are the way they used to be.

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