official day

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Parking the car to face Ziphozenkosi's house so i can inspect and be vegilent of everything that happens in that yard i look at her and wonder why i never saw her even once when i went to fetch Nqubeko from campus and  if i would have even looked at her had I seen and i doubt it though i always avoided pursuing  the innocent looking girls because they end up being too clingy.

I am pulled out of my thoughts by the door shutting as Zipho walks away with the big bag she brought back full when she went shopping with Zimo the day after i returned home.
i still can't shake the heavy feeling in my heart when i think about the baby we lost but every time i look at her the thought flashes through my mind and i quickly avert to something else.

Im not the shouting type of person so i don't call after her but type a  two word message on my phone and send

" Behave wife"


My phone vibrates in  my hand but i don't dare look at it so i continue dragging the big heavy bag I'm wheeling on the ground and shout for my little nephew as soon as i see him.
Aphiwe comes running to me at such high speed that i have to drop the bag fearing that i might not catch him on time but he luckily throws himself at me as i opened my arms and crushes himself into my arms i almost lose balance.
" Hi baby" touching his 4 year old face i can't help but melt as he sticks to me, I miss him too.

He helps me with the bag while telling me a lot of things and i can't make up some of the words but his speech  has improved.

i don't go to the main house because that's where the negotiations are taking place.

My nephew shows me the rondavel his mom's in and as i walk in she's gossiping with on of her friends from the village about a sexy guy she saw earlier on and i can't help but laugh.

"Ziphozenkosi's" she exclaims as she rushes to hug me " how have you been ?are you okay? " She's crying and i feel tears sting the corner of my eyes but hold them back because I know if I start crying I'll  break down.

Pulling her away from me i look at her and wipe her tears " look at me I'm ok" i say but i can see the doubt in her eyes, i quickly grab the bag and change the subject " i come bearing gifts" i say as i open the bag full of toys for the kids and  designer bags and shoes for my sister's.

"Where's Mbuso?" I asked my eldest sister  " locked himself in  his house, he doesn't want to see your inlaws!" I'm not surprised his always been over protective of us and I'm sure he feels helpless in this situation "and where's ma" i look around i know she can't be in the main house because all the men are there " in the other rondavel " she responds and i know shes talking about the one furthest from the main house we use it as our outside kitchen and the door face's directly towards Qhawelempis car so i know his watching me but I don't care i walk in and my mom is busy cooking.

Leaning on the threshold "are you cooking for your guests ma?" My turns around so fast the lid in her hand falls to the floor " we will not be feeding your inlaws in this house" she says as we hug for five minutes before she lets go and looks at me but her expression changes from sadness to rage " Ziphozenkosi pull up your dress" she says after a few seconds "no ma we in the kitchen anyone can walk in" my mom already has my dress up and is looking at my stomach wide eyed " you pregnant!!" She exclaims and i hear gasps at the door It's my sisters so i take a seat on one of the chairs and say" i was ma, i was pregnant i lost the baby early this month a sob leaves my lips and I can't help it i cry for the loss of the baby ill never touch,
And soon everyone is crying and comforting me.


I thought this lobola negotiation thing is gonna take just an hour but its been 3 hours since I parked here and I'm running out off patience.

Ziphozenkosi keeps moving from one house to the next and chatting to everyone in the yard She's defying me and I'm levid, i called her 4 times and she didn't pick up, the fifth time i saw her pull out her phone and just when i thought she'll answer she declined the call and switched off her phone.

Im about to walk out of the car and go drag her to the car and drive home Nqo parks next to my car and jumps out with a pack of beers, i take one and drink it all at once then grab the second one" she's defying me Nqo"  i tell my cousin my  i realise that hands are shaking when I look down the bottle im holding." Calm down bafo or you'll end up doing something you'll regret " he says" im already regretting what ill do when i see her" i respond he looks at me and i know his confused because im not making sense.

Moment's later i hear laughter and look towards it and see my lovely wife, the negotiations must be over because she's wearing the attire my mom bought her to signify her being umakothi(bride) and i can't help but smile feeling myself calm down as i see her walk towards me but kick myself so hard as i see her passing me like i don't exist, like im not her husband.

I look at Nqo to see if his also witnessing this and he holds me back as soon as our eyes meet and i try my best to keep my cool but im failing miserably.

An hour later she's not back and i see my uncle and father driving out and look in the direction she went contemplating on going after her when i see the girls she was with earlier except she's not with them i turn to tell Nqo im going to check on her when she appears with some guy in a black t shirt and branwood, i lose all my senses i hear people calling my name  the Voice's sounds like a far away echo but i already have the gun in my hand walking to them.

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