Chapter 2 Raven's nest (Harper)

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Devil freaken Satan. Harper woke up, looking around the room. Fancy ass hospital. What kind of hospital is this colorful? The walls faded from dark blue at the top to purple at the bottom. The floor was also purple.

Red hearts were painted on the wall with messages such as "Get well soon". A tv hung across the room. The remote on the table next to her bed. She checked her wing. The tear was stitched back together. It hurt a little bit. But no where near as bad as when Lisa's spear actually hit.

Sighing, Harper picked up her phone to see a text from Carden asking if they was okay.

Harper: Yeah. Wing hurts a little, but I'll be fine.

Carden replied quickly.

Carden: Good. Hope your wing feels better soon.

Harper: Thanks.

Carden: The nurse came in my room about 30 minutes ago. They're gonna discharge me. I imagine you're gonna be discharged too.

Harper: I think so. But, if you're gonna leave wait for me because I have no clue how to find my way around this ring. The only places I know are your apartment and Ozzie's tower.

Carden: Don't worry I will.

Harper thought back to the night before. The church consumed by flame. A sense of pride waved through her. No more Latter-Day Saints. One church closer to St. Gene being ours.


Three weeks later, Harper stood in her friend's kitchen. Charlotte, Derrick and Carden sat on the couch in the living room next to the kitchen. The living room wasn't big, but big enough to fit all of them comfortably.

"Oh my Satan I think you litterly fell from Heaven." Derrick spoke to Charlotte in a silly tone of voice.

"Oh my fucking Devil Derrick, I did." Charlotte rubbed her face, seeming done with Derrick's antics.

"Oh don't be like that pookie. You're fucking majestic." Derrick giggled, stroking one of Charlotte's black Crow-like wings which matched the shade of her hair and horns.

"Hey! Excuse me, some of us are single.-" Tyler fake pouted from the beanie bag in the corner next to the couch.

"Not my fault all your bed buddies are temporary while I get to cuddle every night." Derrick smiled proudly.

"Imagine sharing a bed. Loser." Carden turned the upper part of her body to face Derrick, flashing her Dodge Challenger shoulderblade tattoo and the Dodge Charger on her other shoulderblade in Harper's direction.

"You slept in Ozzie's bed last night. You slept with the fucking King you have NO ROOM to speak." Derrick's head turned towards Carden, his eyebrow raised, flabbergasted.

Harper chuckled. Derrick isn't wrong. My Aroace ass could never.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP-" Carden, also flabbergasted reacted.

"Imagine being in a relationship." Rose chimed in. Harper picked up their garlic bread.

"Imagine being a literal sex Demon and you can't even get in a relationship."

"SHUT THE FUCK UP.-" Both Rose and Tyler both said at the same time. Harper chuckled and struted over to the other Bean Bag closest to the hallway on the other side of the couch and sat down.

Charlotte wrapped a wing around Derrick, picking up the Television remote.

"Hey, I mean, Carden hasn't been here as long as you Tyler and you haven't had one long term relationship and Carden's been down here for a century." Harper teased. Tyler puckered his lips.

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