Chapter 11 The Torture Below (Harper)

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⚠️Excessive amounts of blood⚠️

Belial and Harper basically hogged Dane to themselves. Asmodeus, Rose, Charlotte and Derrick standing behind them as they tore Dane apart.

Belial had ditched his bat and simply used his "claws" they looked more like acyclic nails to tear Dane up. Harper maniacally stabbing Dane. Dane on his back screaming below them.

Dane was pretty much disgusting now. Covered head to toe with blood, bruises, Belial had even legitmly tore a giant gash in his leg. Muscle hanging out of his leg.

"Retreat!" A female voice called, Harper looked up. Belial did not. Lisa hovered about 6 feet away and above them yelling to the other Angels.

"Retreat!" She opened a portal to Heaven then dove and slammed into Belial, stealing Dane from them and flew through the portal, carrying Dane bridal style.

"You bitch! I was having fun!" Belial shook a fist at the closing portal.

"...Well. Guess that's that." Derrick spoke out. Seeming more stunned than anything. Probably because it's the first time anyone other than Asmodeus had seen Belial go so haywire.

"Okay." Asmodeus clapped his hands together. "We ready to go?"

A honk came from the hill as the Mother Van drove up, rolling Steven. Who wasn't super bloody other than his left wing which had pretty much been squished flat. But he was covered in bad looking bruises.

Dang. The Mother really did a number on him.

"Oh nice." Ozzie chuckled. "A hostage."

Steven groaned painfully. He didn't really move, looking defeated.

"Imagine getting beat up by a litteral Van. That's kind of embarrassing." Rose laughed a bit, wiping a streak of red blood off her face.

The Mother honked once more as if proud of herself.

Goodness. Dude looks helpless.

"I wanna keep him. Can I keep him?" Belial for up, jumping ever so slightly, way too excited.

Oz snorted.

"Belial chill out. Of course you can."

"Yay!" Belial snatched Steven by his shirt, pulling him up. Pure terror in Steven's green eyes. "I'm gonna have some fun."

"Alright, let's go." Ozzie looked around. "Wait...where's Carden?"

Everyone else look a look around too.

Huh...that's odd. Where did Carden go?

"Last time on saw her she was tacking Steven, rolling down the hill." Harper piped in.

"If Carden was at the bottom of the hill she would've returned with the Mother." Rose ran her fingers through her short hair and over her horn.

"Let's just look for her." Asmodeus paused. "See if we can find her. Belial you go back to Hell. Get Steven in the prison and check for Carden in Hell."

Belial nodded, opening the diamond shaped blue portal to Lust and disappearing.

"The rest of us." Asmodeus continued. "Split up. Hollar if you find anything." He looked worried.

He wasn't the only one. The Mother Van was upset now too, making all kinds of noise and driving around. Asmodeus gestured the Van over.

"Guard the hostage. We'll find her."

The crew split up. Harper started off looking down by the lake whilst most of the group looked in the trees. It was still down by the lake. No momovemet.

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