Chapter 9 Angelic night (Derrick)

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There was no way the Angels were gonna get away with this. At least Derrick hoped so. Maybe it was his anxiety speaking. That it was hopeless. But, the anger in him really wanted to stick it to those Angels.

Maybe they could try a sneak attack. If the Demons all hide then maybe they could take out the Angels by surprise. But hide where? Derrick had no idea what kind of landscape they're gonna be fighting on. He's never been there. What if there are no places to hide?

One thing was for sure though. The Mother could be useful. Just a regular Van...until an Angel gets too close or let's their guard down and gets run over.

The Mother Van honked over and over, distressed. It was almost hard to hear his own thoughts over it. He signaled the minivan over.

The Mother slowed her speed and inched her way over.

"I know you can't say anything back to me, but when we fight through Angels we're gonna need you there. Think you could knock out an Angel for us?" Can she? What if the Angels stay in the air the whole time? Then that plan would be useless. But a living van in the picture isn't a bad idea.

If an Angel did ground then the Mother van could kill them.

The Mother honked in response. He assume that was a yes. Not like he could tell however.

He needed to talk to Carden. She was the only one who could even get a heavy vehicle such as a Dodge Grand Caravan anywhere. She was the only one with automotive related abilities.
Most of which connected specifically to the Mother.

Carden would teleport cars. Nope not really. Just the Mother van. She could possess them. But she had to possess the Mother Caravan before possessing any more.

The rain battered his face as he looked up to the sky. Heaven's planet wasn't visible from the 5th ring. But if it was, he'd be flipping it off.

Derrick gripped his rough, black horns for a minute, feeling a wave of stress then turned back to the rest of the group.

"I need to go talk to Carden. I'll be back."

He went back inside, using his black dress shirt to dry his face. Derrick wasn't exactly sure if Carden was still in the same place as they left her, but she might be so he decided to go there anyway. Gloomy, he watched his feet as he stepped through the grandiose hallways in shades of pinks, blues and purples. Past the nude Statues and the Hellborn employees. The Hellborns made him feel a little out of place without him friends beside him.

The Hellborns were taller than he was and he was the only Sinner in sight.

When he reached the room he heard the sound of a door unlocking and out came Asmodeus, followed by Carden.

"Carden. I have a favor to ask."

She jumped a little. Not really expecting him to be there.

"How long have you been out here?" Her tone was of someone's who had something to hide. Whatever she was doing, which he could take a guess considering it was on my her and and Ozzie in there. He didn't really care. He cared about getting Raven back.

"I just got here. Do you think you could have the Mother Van with us tomarrow? When we face the Angels? In case they get violently I think she's help with an element of surprise." I mean who's gonna suspect a car is living? Like really.

"Uhh I guess so yeah." She tilted her head to the left, a little hesitant. Bonking her ram-like horn against the door.

"Okay. Just in case. And um, so Rose did some Witchcraft to spy on the Angels and apparently they want Charlotte back because they need a doctor."

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