Chapter 10 Infernofuoco (Carden)

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Dane stumbled back, putting a hand on his face, gold blood running from his nose. Hunched over.

Lisa and Steven gasped.


Carden leaned against the brown wood of the house.

"...Okay." He stood back up, popping his knuckles and rolling out his neck.

" know we want you back. You can come back. Once you redeem yourself. You know you don't wanna stay down in Hell for eternity. Living in woe. The heat blazing against your skin...surrounded by seductresses who want to keep you away from God." Dane started to slowly walk circles around Charlotte and Derrick.

Carden glared daggers at the Exorcist. No thoughts in her head. Just suspicion.

"No misery is stronger than the woe you place upon me. Why did you take Raven?" Charlotte's voice was low, dangerous.

"Hell is no place to raise a child. What did you plan to do? Raise her with Derrick? Some blue fornicator? Come on Charlotte. Don't you miss Heaven? Where people have self control. In Hell, these folks you surround yourself with are slaves to their own desires."

Derrick growled.

"You better shut that mouth of yours before I tear those lips off your face little birdie."

Harper went around to the side of the house where Asmodeus and Belial hid.

What is she doing?

Before she knew it a red figure launched herself off the roof. Pouncing on Dane, knocking him to the ground. Harper drew out her large, scary looking knife. The blade ridged and insanely sharp.

"No!" Steven called out, diving at Harper.

Oh no he don't.

Carden launched herself at Steven. Wrapping her arms around his 5'1 frame mid-air, tackling him to the prickly grass ground below.

The two wrestling entities rolling down the tall hill underneath, ending up in the lake a few feet from the foot of the hill. The lake's muddy brink slowing down latching onto them.

A male scream at the top of the hill filled her ears. Dane. Good.

Steven grabbed Carden by the horn, pulling her to the right, the two rolling deeper into the shallow part of the lake, throwing punches, grabbing, pulling, whatever they could. Steven put a hand on her throat and squeezed as hard as the little Angel could.

Fuck fuck fuck. No. Not today!

Using her tail she wrapped into around his thigh and pulled him back, his face landing in her chest. She rolled, again going deeper into the lake. The water submerged her as she layed on top of Steven, trying to keep him underneath the surface.

Steven struggled to get his arms out of the mud. Tiny fish scattered around them. Carden's open eyes stinging under the water.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed her tail and yanked her out of the water, dragging her back on land. Lisa.

A honking came from the hill. The Mother Van came speeding down, hitting Lisa's legs with a strong impact. The Cherub went crashing to the ground. Steven making it out of the water.

Lisa made a break from the Dodge Grand Caravan and helped Steven get into the air. The wet wings of him trying to weigh him back down.

Carden saw a flash of orange as the Mother sent for the two. The Cherubs split. Steven got hit and Lisa flew up and towards Carden again.

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