Chapter 12 Switching Lanes (Derrick)

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He sat in Asmodeus's office again. This time at the front of the desk, looking out the large window behind it. Charlotte sat next to him, Rose on the edge of the side of the desk and Asmodeus behind it.

Harper opened the door, her fist clenched and she sprinted over. The door shutting with a thud behind her. The Imp fluttered up on top of the desk, the wind from her wings blowing Charlotte's hair in her face.

"What did you get out of him Harper?" Asmodeus questioned, rising a brow at her singular clenched fist.

"He didn't really talk, he just said 'protect what's right' and then he fainted because he couldn't handle the torture Belail was handing to him." Harper opened her palm revealing two rings. One silver wedding band and one gold ring with a white opal. "I got his portal ring."

Ooooh. The portal ring. Nice.

"So you're saying...we have access to Heaven?" Derrick sounded mischievous and excited.

Harper nodded.

"That's good and and all." Everyone turned to Ozzie as he spoke. "But, we can't just get into Heaven. We have no clue where it will lead to in Heaven. It could be at the gates for all we know and then you'll have to face the fact that the Angels will know the Demons have one of their Angels. Because how else would we get there without a ring? As well as we don't have anything to go after up there."

"Don't we want revenge on the Angels though? After all. They killed Carden. And not to mention the Extermination. It doesn't just kill Sacrifices. It kills anyone who doesn't lock down. And the people who arrive in Hell that day. And the homeless."

"Derrick. I get where you're coming from, but-..." Oz cut off. "Wait a minute. Revenge. Derrick you just might be right. However, let's not hit them directly. Sometimes the best revenge is to hit them emotionally. Get what they care about. Humanity."

Charlotte's eyes widened in shock.

"Aren't you trying to save humanity from Heavenly influence? Not kill them.-"

Harper barged in.

"Maybe we don't have to. What if we convert them? We could create our own religion. One that will guarantee people an eternity in Hell. One that tells the truth about Hell."

Charlotte scratched her head.

"We need a God, a Devil and a Messiah to start a religion. That's like the basics of every religion."

"Yeah. We have everything besides the Messiah basically. I mean...we do have a Deadly Sin sitting right here, Hell we could ask Lucifer to be one of the Gods too. Fuck it. And well, we do have the 'Devil'. The Angels."

Asmodeus raised an eyebrow, smirking.

"I like that idea. I'm sure Lucifer would be down. But, we're gonna need a text for people to follow. I mean, worship of can I say no to that? Harper and I can discuss that. Charlotte and Derrick." He pulled out a map and handed it to Charlotte.

"I want you to go see if you can get anything out of that birdbrain. Charlotte, the code to the door is on the backmod the map."

Charlotte seemed a little scared, but intrigued at the same time.

"Oh yes Sir." She turned to Derrick, snatching his hand. "Let's go."

The Gates of Lust. The white concrete building stood before them. He remembered the feeling of uncertainty, or terror, of confusion he felt the day of his damnation when he arrived.

But they didn't go in. On the side of the building were very sketchy looking metal stairs. When he stepped on it it vibrated slightly. He did not like that. They entered through a wooden door then turned left and went through another leading to a dark staircase.

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