:・゚:・゚✧*・゚:⋆chapter 5⋆✧・゚: *✧・゚:

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We get to a hotel that I notice is being heavily guarded, which kind of makes me feel better. Tom quickly unzips his baggy hoodie and throws it over me the second I get out of the car, the hoodie instantly chocking me with the smell of his cologne. "What are you doing?" I ask him while trying to pull it off me,

"Hiding you. Your still being hunted Stella, and considering the fact that I just killed the bosses brother to save your life- their even more determined to get their hands on you." he explains in his usual smart-ass tone while he guides me by my arm into the hotel, since I can't see anything. "But this place is guarded, why would you bring me here if it's not safe?" I ask as he pulls the hoodie off my head,

 "Cause this is your best bet, doesn't mean your not 100% safe. These people will stop at nothing to find you, just stay in the room until me and the guys handle them." Tom says with a deep sigh, clearly annoyed by my relentless questions. "What people? And what do you mean by 'handle it'?" I continue to question him anyway, since these are all answers I do deserve considering I was just kidnapped. "Stella." he grits his teeth before grabbing me by my wrists and squeezing them tightly, trying to scare me.

 "Quit doing that." I yell angrily as I try to push him away, "You need to do as I say, this isn't a fucking game anymore." he huffs while getting in my face. "You said you'd explain when we got here, so fucking explain." I demand as I step closer to him in an attempt to show him his threats don't scare me. He rolls his eyes and pulls me down the hall by my arm to and over to a  room. He pushes me inside which sends me flying onto the bed inside the room,

"Their called the 'Seelendiebe' which in English is, soul stealers- they're the most notorious gang in all of Germany. They killed my best friend Nicolas, and they won't hesitate to kill you too." Tom explains with his focus set on loading a gun. I pause for a minute, my mind racing as I try to process what he just told me. "They said I was a mule.. a mule for what?" I finally spit out, my voice trembling with a mix of confusion and fear. 

"Not important," he says, his tone cold and sharp as he hands me the now fully loaded gun. I feel a surge of worry as I watch him prepare to leave, "Where are you going?" I ask, desperate for more answers. "Stay in here," he ignores my question before telling the man at the door something in German, the language is foreign to me, but the urgency in their voices is unmistakable.

 My eyes dart between them, searching for any clue, any hint of reassurance. Tom glances over at me with his eyes full of worry, almost as if he doesn't want to leave- but he does. I try to run after him, still wanting more answers as to what he got me into, but I'm stopped by the guard at the door. "Let go of me!" I yell and try fighting past the man, it's no use. I give up and flop back on my bed of the fancy hotel room, my mind racing with worry for Tom.

- time skip -

I fell asleep after hours of being locked inside the hotel room, but I'm awoken to a flood of gunshots outside the room, echoing loudly down the halls. The guard at the door also wakes up and begins to draw his gun, before he can do anything, he's shot through the door. Panic floods over me, I know Tom said it wasn't 100% safe buts its only been 4 hours. I quickly get out of the bed and look for somewhere to hide.

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