Chapter Three

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"What are we doing?" Gianna said, fear evident in her voice as she looked out the windshield at the gas station in front of her, "what if... what if this was all just a misunderstanding... what if they just meant we were adopted and we're doing all of this for nothing? Maybe we should go back," Gianna said, though she knew in her gut that wasn't the case.

"Gianna, I didn't tell you this, but when I saw my parents talking, they weren't on speaker phone," Alrox said, "they had a hologram, they used the words 'supreme leader', and even admitted to taking us from our real family. I don't think it's a case of just having been adopted."

"I know, I know but- everything was fine this morning! Everything was fine until now! I was making good grades, I was dance captain, what are we going to do? How are we going to make money?"

"We have to take it one step at a time. I think they gave us a good life as a way to keep us from wanting to leave, even if we found out. If we go back, we're going to be taken to some kind of cult leader in the morning, who knows if there would even be a chance of seeing your friends again."

Gianna turned her gaze from the store in front of her to Alrox, swallowing her fear once again.

"Okay, you stay and watch the car, I'll go in and get some stuff," Gianna said, turning off the car and stepping out. She put on a brave face as she walked into the store, a masquerade to hide her true activities. Gianna headed straight for the food, grabbing some snacks and a pack of water bottles. She then headed to the cans of gasoline, knowing that they probably wouldn't be able to go to another gas station to fill her tank once she had used her 'father's' credit card. Gianna headed to the counter to check out, receiving a suspicious look from the cashier.

"So what are you doing here this late at night?" he questioned. Thankfully, Gianna had come up with a cover story.

"Oh, my dad is taking me on a hunting trip this weekend, it's a seven hour drive to our land though and it's out in the middle of nowhere, so we wanted to get a head start," Gianna lied, "it's my first time, so I'm really excited." She added, hoping that would sell it.

"Where is he?" The cashier asked, concerned.

"Oh, he's filling up the gas tank. We thought that if we divided and conquered that we could get back on the road faster," Gianna said. The cashier nodded, accepting the story as truth.

"So what kind of hunting are you doing?" he asked.

"We're bow hunting for deer."

"That's a good place to start for a girl your age. Pretty challenging," The cashier said, finishing ringing up her items. Gianna paid with the credit card and took her bags, heading out.

"Good luck! I hope you catch a good one!" The cashier said as she left and headed to the ATM, where she extracted as much cash as she could, about $3,000. She hoped it would suffice for as long as they needed. Gianna pocketed the cash, noticing in the peripherals the cashier still watching her, so she turned and walked in the direction of a man who was conveniently filling up his tank. Once she saw that the cashier was no longer watching her, she went back to the jeep, opening the trunk and throwing in the groceries.

"Why'd you walk in the other direction?" Alrox asked.

"Cashier was watching me," Gianna said, walking around and getting back into the driver's seat, "I think he might still be suspicious." She started the car, which had been filled up with gasoline before Gianna had entered the store, and pulled out, starting her trip to the abandoned arena. She pulled a map out of the console, with the location marked off.

"Why are we going back?" Alrox asked, now noticing that Gianna was driving in the direction from which she had come.

"We're not. Credit cards can be tracked as long as they're being used, so this," Gianna started, holding up the credit card, "is dead now. I went to that gas station because it's on the road that would take us to a camp ground my family- er- fake family used to camp at. I wanted to throw them off."

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