Part 10

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Kyla's POV

I groan when I hear my loud alarm blasting in my ear. It's currently 8:00 on a Sunday and I have to get up because me and killian has community service.

I quickly get up grab my phone to see that Adriano texted me "Good Morning". I replied back "Good morning" and started to get dressed.

When I was done getting ready I go downstairs to get some breakfast. I walk into the kitchen to see my mom and dad talking.

"Good morning" I say going into the fridge and grabbing a yogurt.

"So how was your date" my mom says excitingly walking up to me smiling from ear to ear. I'm surprised my mom is asking and not my dad. I guess him and Adriano really hit it off.

"It was so nice mom, we went to a restaurant and he opened up every door for me" I say smiling like some love struck animal.

"I'm so glad that you had a good time baby, you should invite him to dinner tonight so I could meet him" she says sweetly.

"I don't know mom maybe he's busy" I say thinking, because we just went out yesterday and I don't want to come off desperate or clingy.

"Well, you never know until you ask and I would like to see my future son in law again" my dad said smirking drinking his coffee.

"Your future son in law" I repeat eating my yogurt.

"Yes Kyla, I can tell he would make a great husband and, from what you tell me I can see that you really like him". My dad said sweetly. My mom nodding to what he's saying.

"I do like him a lot" I tell them. Our date last night was so special getting to know each other and laughing at random stuff was definitely the highlight of the night.

The fact that he carried me in because I was too tired last night was so sweet and precious.

"Anyways, you guys I have to go" I say grabbing my keys, finishing my yogurt.

"What type of community service you doing today honey bun" my mom asks.

"Today I'm volunteering at the old folks home" I say in an excited sarcastic tone. "I swear those old folks are miserably sometimes" I sigh

"Well is anyone you know gonna be there maybe having a friend there would make it bare able" my mom says.

"Killian is coming" I shout going to the door putting on my shoes, because if I don't leave now I'll most definitely be late.

"Alright tell kilometer I said hi, love you" she shouts as I open the door.

"Bye love you both" I say walking out the door.


Once I walk into the senior center I immediately am met with the smell of old people. Here we go again. Don't get me wrong I love doing this once they warm up to you they can be so hilarious but, sometimes the seniors be having unnecessary attitudes.

After I check in and I head straight into the main area seeing killian coloring with a Ms Clara our favorite senior.

When I walk closer she spots me and speed walks over to me, wraps her arms around my waist and gives me a warm hug.

"Hey Kyla Wyla" she squeals pulling me to the table they were coloring on. We sat down and I immediately hug Ms. Clara tightly "Hi darling" she greets me, reciprocating the tight hug. "Hi Ms. Clara" I say smiling.

"Wowww" Killian says Loudly. Making me and Ms. Clara side eye her. "You can say hi to her but you can't say hi to me, your literal best friend" Killian says with a "really" look on her face.

I roll my eyes, get up sit on her lap. I start chuckling and say "My mom says hi". I immediately get up and start running around the room with her chasing me. Luckily there's only like three other people in here.

"Say hello bitch" killian shouts. I stop and look at her crazy "you cannot be screaming bitch in here you know these old folks are grumpy"

"Say hi now" she says with an attitude. I love messing with killian it's honestly my love language to get under her skin.

I wrap my arms around her and give her a loving hug my head in her curly hair "Hi Kilometer" I say kissing her forehead walking back to Ms. Clara seeing that she looking at us with a annoyed look.

I sit down and say to Ms. Clara "let's get to coloring" in an excited tone, excited to color with her.

That would make such a good date.
Have to make a mental note about that. Anyways I grab a marker and begin to color.

As I'm coloring I can feel Killian's eyes burning into the side of my face. "Yes" I say turning to the side facing her, Ms. Clara in the middle between us.

"Are you going to tell me how it went" she asks me picking up a new marker. " how what went" Ms. Clara asks.

"she went on a date with this guy she really likes" she explains to her.

I start to smile thinking about Adriano."It went really well Killian, like he exceeded all of my expectations".

"Oh my goodness, I need all the details" she squeals excitedly.

Once I told her all the details her jaw is to the floor "He carried you inside the house and he bought you flowers, yea Kyla that's your man now" She says with a grin on her face.

"He will be" I say and we get back to coloring. After about an hour later of us coloring and talking about random stuff we part ways and head back home. As I'm sitting in my car I decide to text Adriano and see if he can come to dinner tonight.

Kyla- Hey my mom invited you to dinner tonight. Can you come😊

Mr. Complements 😩❤️👅- Hi beautiful, I'm getting off of work right now so yea, I can come.

Kyla- ok be here by 6:00

Mr. Complements- Can't wait to see you baby 😘

A/N- Hey guys don't forget to comment and vote.

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