Part 11

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I sit in my room laying on my bed reading a book, when my mom walks through the door.

"Girl get up and get dressed for dinner" my mom says in a sing-song tone heading to my closet. I look over to her and she is wearing a long black body con dress with her Tory Burch sandals on. I chuckle because where does she really think she is going. Where literally just sitting in the house eating.

"Mom what are you doing, he's not even here yet" I say going back to reading my book.

My mom starts walking towards me and when she finally reaches me she snatched the book out of my hand and puts it on my bookshelf.

"He's downstairs with your dad watching basketball Kyla" she says going back to my closet taking out a bright orange dress that we both know is way to cute just for me to be wearing in the house.

"What? Why didn't I know he was here!" I say sitting up right going to take my braids out of the messy bun it was in.

"He just got here honey bun, and your dad was already outside washing the car" she says taking out clear flat sandals.

She turns to me and hands me the dress and shoes and walks out telling me to hurry up and put it on.

I quickly put some biker shorts on and slide the dress onto my body slipping my sandals on, the dress outlining everything curve on my body. I know Adriano is gonna love this dress.

I look in the mirror and decide to just wear my hair down and go wash my face, then go downstairs.

I quickly walk down the stairs, giddy to see Adriano again. As I'm walking into the dining room I can smell the Caribbean cuisine coming from the table. My mom never lets us eat buffet style. It's funny to see her switching up just to impress Adriano.

I walk into the kitchen to get the drinks ready and I see Adriano sitting in the living room yelling at the T.V with my dad.

I turn to my mom who is setting up the drinks and say "Dang why they so loud" I say side eyeing them because they just getting louder and louder.

"Girl you know how guys get when they watch the game". My mom said placing the last glass on the table and going into the living room to get my dad and Adriano.

Adriano comes around the corner into the dining room looking me up and down, biting his bottom lip.

"Hi my pretty baby" he whispered in my ear in his husky deep voice, making sure my parents didn't hear.

"Hi handsome" I say giggling when he reaches for my hand and kisses the back of it. Soon enough my mom comes in with my dad and we sit at the dining table.

Adriano not failing to pull out the dining chair for me. Out the corner of my eye I see my dad give a nod of approval.

"So Adriano I'm so happy that you can have dinner with us today". My mom says after we finished dishing up our food.

"The pleasure is all mine Mrs James" Adriano says taking a bite of his curry chicken.

(A/N- I just realized none of my characters have last names. So go back to intro, I just gave all the characters last names.)

"Wow this is amazing" he says taking another bite.

"Thank you Adriano " mom says filling her wine glass.

"Have you ever had curry chicken before" I ask him.

"Nope this is my first time eating any type of Caribbean food" he says stuffing his mouth. My mom chuckles he groans with the food in his mouth.

"Sorry I haven't eaten anything all day" he says grabbing the napkin I offered him.

"Didn't you go to work today" I ask frowning caused ain't no way he's working all day and not eating anything.   

"I forget sometimes" he shrugs putting more food in his mouth.

"So Adriano you work" my mom asks as she puts a little more food on his plate.

"Yes ma'am I work for my dad, he owns a construction company". He answers

"That's amazing, do you enjoy working there". My mom says clearly interested in his job.

"I do, I hope to take over his company one day". He says proudly

After about an hour of my mom and dad asking Adriano questions. We eventually excused ourselves and
Walk outside to say our goodbyes.

Once we get to his car, he gives me a big warm hug engulfing me in his musky scent.

We talk for a just a few minutes since it's dark outside, then I send him off with a kiss on the cheek.

A/N- An update for my lovely readers. I've been getting a lot of support lately and I just want to say thank you. I appreciate all the comments and votes.

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