Chapter 4: Beach Blanket Bogus

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Strap in guys we're in for a long chapter


(Chris): Last time on Total Drama Action... He was a boy. She was a girl. And last week on Total Drama Action, a shocking team redistribution pitted them against one another. Alliances were formed. And Vito's mad thespian skills trumped Sadie's old lady act. It was all too much for Chef's tender heart, and Sadie was voted out by a certain pretty boy. Will Kai and Gwen's relationship stay strong? Will Justin concur the game? And will my non-fate vanilla soy latte ever get here?! All the answers, will be answered right now in another tear-jerking episode of... Total. Drama. Action!



(Heather): Now I know how starlets stay thin

Heather said as she picked at her food. Harold sitting close to her nodded he missed the food the winners got

(Harold): Wish Chef'd let me in the kitchen. I got me some mad culinary skills

Heather glared at him

(Heather): Do you mind? I was talking to my slop

Harold saw Katie and she looked upset. Harold approached her

(Harold): Hey, how are you feeling?

Katie removes her head from her arms showing her tear streaked eyes

(Katie): Horrible... I betrayed Sadie. I'm a terrible friend!

Harold pats her on the back

(Harold): It'll be fine. Sadie's your best friend. She'll forgive you, she'd want you to keep going right?

Katie nodded she tried to stop the tears and her nose sounded stuffy. Harold hands her a box of tissues

(Harold): Let it out

He said while rubbing her back. He read in a book that some people liked being rubbed on the back when they need comfort. It would seem Katie was slowly recovering

(Harold): There you go. Let's get some food into you

Katie looked at the food

(Katie): I'm not hungry...

(Harold): We need all the strength we can get to win today

Katie stared at her food for a moment

(Katie): I'll do it if you eat too

Harold originally didn't want to eat this garbage but if it got Katie to eat he'd do it

(Harold): Alright then

Harold and Katie began to dig into their food


Justin is sipping some soup he found it disgusting but he also knew it would be stupid to do a challenge on an empty stomach

(Lindsay): Justin, look. I brought you bacon

Justin looked and saw Lindsay holding a plate of bacon

(Beth): And I brought you facon

He looked at Beth and saw she had a plate of pink meat that looked like a brick

(Beth): Tofu's good for your heart

Lindsay frowned

(Lindsay): Pig's good for his hair!

Beth dropped the plate on the table and jumped into the air hugging his head

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