About Kai - New Entry

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Some is flicking through a book he looks at the images of Kai, Svetlana, Chester, Manitoba Smith, and Vito. The person stops looking at a image of someone who had originally been locked but now he is unlocked. He looked at his info


Mal (The Malevolent One): It was a year or two since his four personalities came in. They at first lived normally but an argument happened each of the personalities believed they were the original and everyone else (Kai included) was the personality. When that happened everything went to hell it was hard for Kai to rely on them when they would sabotage his social life. The news about his condition spread around the school and no one knew about the condition or just didn't understand it and no one was willing to do so. Kai was treated like a freak someone unstable since he could swap personalities and endanger them. Kai did his best to calm these worries but it didn't help when his personalities would slip through the cracks and make situations far worse. As time went on his personalities gained triggers that made it easier for them to come forth. They didn't need the triggers to be in control but it made it easier for them to front which worried Kai since he had no idea what those triggers were and he'd just black out and wake up somewhere. His classmate's fear got the best of them and they started to verbally and physically bully him. Kai was constantly fearing for his life every time he stepped into school. No one was willing to help that included teachers, his own parents, and even his personalities whom he used to rely on during his darkest times. His parents neglect, and the teachers pretending they didn't see him being beaten up, the bruises, cuts, and the black eye. It became too much for him and another personality came to be. Mal, he wasn't like the others he was cold, ruthless, and cared for no one but himself. He was manifested because Kai's life was constantly at risk his role was to protect Kai and so when he first manifested he immediately took control since his trigger was Kai feeling the fear of losing his life which would bringing him forward and he made sure to put the fear of god into whoever touched Kai. At first, he just defended himself but he quickly got annoyed that they didn't know their place and started getting rougher and rougher. He would break noses and arms, he would smash people's faces into the concrete floor over and over. The school feared Kai because they thought he'd be unstable but this mentality only caused them to manifest an unstable personality into Kai. Kai's bullies quickly stopped bullying him and instead avoided him but some people were cocky and thought they could take Mal but that would prove to be a bad decision as the group forced Mal to front and Mal broke the legs and arms of everyone there besides the leader of the group. He was sick of everyone trying to pick on Kai, he was sick of Kai feeling trapped, and he was sick of everyone turning a blind eye to Kai's pain. So he was going to show everyone what he would do to someone who laid another finger on Kai. He slowly broke every bone in the guy's body, he pinned him to the ground and punched his face over and over until his knuckles, the floor and the guy's face were covered in blood. He threw him all over the classroom crashing into desks, walls, and cabinets. Mal finished it off by throwing him out the window. Obviously, people were going to notice a bloodied body being thrown out a window so it was reported and an ambulance was called. Fortunately, the fall was from the second story and he landed in a bush but he still sustained a lot of damage. The guy was put into a coma for two months, his face was deformed from the beating, and he lost the ability to use his hands properly. An investigation was started and after talking to the guy's friends and checking cameras Kai was the obvious culprit and he was sent to juvie. Kai was terrified at the thought he knew Mal was aggressive but not that aggressive. Kai thought it was over for him and that he'd die in juvie this genuine fear for his life caused Mal to front and he fronted for the entirety of Kai's sentence. Mal was the youngest person there yet he ruled the place. The others serving time there feared him, the guards feared him, and even the warden feared him. Mal could do whatever he wanted Mal enjoyed it he loved the feeling of power over everyone, being the top dog, they knew their place. Unlike his other personalities Kai knew what Mal was doing and what he was doing in juvie. So once his time was up and Kai's fear was relieved, Kai could wrestle control from Mal who wanted full control. Kai won the war and jailed Mal in the deepest parts of his mind to keep him from getting out and hurting someone. Kai struggled with life after that his personalities kept slipping out, everyone in his town feared him after what Mal did, that is when he saw the billboard announcing Total Drama Island


I know I said you would see an upload next week but I had the idea to update this from the first book adding Mal's entry. I thought this would be a good idea to show how he came to be, his motives, and just to show how dangerous he really is. Anyway see you in next weeks chapter, see ya!

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