Chapter 7: One Flu Over the Cuckoos

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(Chris): Last time on Total Drama Action... Imprisoned in a world they didn't create, forced to ingest deadly foods, and even to taste them twice. Nonetheless, the two courageous teams clawed their way to freedom! And... A lonely Chef made a new friend

He smirked at the memory of Chef cooking with DJ

(Chris): But prison is no place for nerds. Even the ones without braces. Beth got the boot in last nights dramatic elimination. Who is going this episode? Will the Gaffers keep their winning streak? Find out now on Total. Drama. Action!



It was night time and both teams were heading for their respective trailers. No one was really in the mood to talk. The campers just wanted to get some sleep. Lindsay yawned and waved at everyone

(Lindsay): Well, goodnight everybody! 

She tried opening the door but it failed to open and she ran into it

(Lindsay): Oh!

Lindsay groans in pain as she fell onto the floor. Duncan tries opening the spa trailer. He growled clearly tired and wanting some sleep especially since this is his first chance in days to sleep in the trailer's beds

(Duncan): Hey, who locked the door?

(Izzy): Wait, wait, let me try it

Izzy rushed the door and rammed her shoulder into it she bounced off of it. Suddenly the campers could hear sirens. Izzy shot up gasping

(Izzy): Cops!

She rushed off only to run into Eva. The campers then saw it was an ambulance and it dumped a cart with a sheet on top then drove off. The campers could clearly see the outline of a person laying beneath it

(Bridgette): Is that a dead body?

Bridgette asked looking a little scared

(Duncan): Or an undead body

Suddenly the sheet was thrown off and Chris sat up

(Chris): Boo!

Ezekiel screamed and jumped into Duncan's arms. The delinquent quickly dropped him

(Chris): Calm yourselves. No one's dead... Well not yet. I'm here to prep you plucky ducks for our most awesome challenge yet. These textbooks hold the sum total of eight years of med school

He threw a book at Kai

(Chris): And each one of you gets one because tomorrow, we're gonna play doctor!



Duncan Confessional

(Duncan): I hate doctors. They just get off on telling people stuff that they don't wanna hear like, "Don't pick at that scab!" or "If you eat nothing but pickled eggs, you'll die."

He made a mocking face for both lines

(Duncan): Hey, don't tell me what I can't eat. Now, playing doctor. Playing doctor I can handle




Harold Confessional

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