Chapter 13: Million Dollar Babies

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(Chris): Last time on Total Drama Action... Our caveman movie challenges made some people look good and other people look better. Bald Heather was obsessed with getting hair by any means necessary and Duncan fell for Courtney. Again. As their reward the Gaffers won a mammoth rack of Mastodon ribs, which due to an on-set accident may be preserved for future palaeontologists instead 

A clip plays of the Gaffer's meal falling into the tar pit due to Chef forgetting to put the cart in park

(Chris): Will Heather keep her hair will Courtney survive the ire of her teammates and what will become of her and Duncan? Find out the answers right now on Total Drama Action!



In the winner trailer the Gaffers were peacefully sleeping until loud trumpets woke them up. Duncan looked annoyed by the sound

(Duncan): Harold, if you added trumpets to your snoring, then its definitely time for you to die

Duncan called out to the geek who slept on the bed across from him. Justin groaned

(Justin): That's it. I'm moving to Canada. 'Cept I'm already there...

One by one the teams exited their respective trailers. Izzy was seen messing with Courtney's PDA. Izzy looks annoyed

(Izzy): Why won't it work? Oh well

She threw it into the air. Courtney exits the trailer with a blissful smile. She gasps when seeing her PDA falling. She jumps forward and caught the PDA. She got up glaring at Izzy

(Courtney): That PDA is my legal right in this game. Touch it again, Izzy, and prepare to be served!

(Izzy): I think I'll be fine. I was supposed to get a 50 year prison sentence but I managed to easily win that lawsuit!

Izzy proudly boasts getting her odd looks



Noah Confessional

(Noah): If it came from anyone else I'd refuse to believe it. But this is Izzy we're talking about. So it's probably true



The campers heard a trumpet being played poorly followed by drums. Chris walks over dressed up like someone in the marching band

(Chris): Morning, sports fans! Who's ready to put up a good offense?

Chef walked over holding a pot of spaghetti

(Chef): Spaghetti here! Get your piping hot spaghetti here!

Chef threw spaghetti that he somehow condensed into balls and threw one at each camper. Kai caught his and looked at it in confusion

(Kai): What is this?

Chris smiles

(Chris): Breakfast

Lindsay looks surprised

(Lindsay): Pasta for breaky?

(Chris): It's called carbo-loading, contestants! Today, you're all going to give two hundred percent in our exciting sports movie challenge! Now suck that 'ghetti back, you loveable underdogs destined to come back from certain failure. We've got a training run!

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