Chapter 8: The Sand Witch Project

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(Chris): Last time on Total Drama Action... A boy with vision. Vision that took him past everyday thinking. But when the chips were down, and even when the chips came back up again, he was the only one who could rescue them. Searching for a cure for the disease afflicting his dearest friends. A challenge was won. A cure found

The camera pans away showing Chris watching last episodes footage snacking on a bag of popcorn

(Chris): Hey, what can I say? Gross disease movies make me crave a little corn. But it's time to put the snacks away, kiddies

He threw the bag away

(Chris): Because after this totally terrifying episode, there won't be a stomach left unturned. Hold on to your buckets. It's time for some Total. Drama. Action!



The episode starts with DJ napping under a tree. He was exhausted from waking up early to prepare food. Today appeared to be a no challenge day and the campers were enjoying themselves. Duncan is kicking a ball to Justin who kicks it back just playing to pass the time. Ezekiel is seen playing cards with Izzy and Bridgette

(Ezekiel): Bridge... Do you have a five?

Bridgette fakes a look of annoyance and hands him a five. Ezekiel grins and happily snatches the card

(Bridgette): Alright, Izzy. You have a three?

Izzy responds by doing a fancy shuffle of the card in her hand and then points at Bridgette's hoodie. Bridgette reached inside and pulled out a three, the surfer girl looked surprised

(Bridgette): Woah, you have some serious skill Izzy

Bridgette praised genuinely stunned by the trick. Ezekiel nodded in agreeance

(Ezekiel): That's incredible eh!

Izzy bowed, Harold watched with a jealous look in his eyes



Harold Confessional

(Harold): Izzy thinks she's so cool. But did she spend three whole entire summers at Magic Steve's Magic Camp? 

Harold pulls out a deck of cards and begins to shuffle them

(Harold): Allow me to demonstrate my mad magic skills by producing the Ace of Spades!

He shows off a card which is in fact an image of him sleeping with a thumb in his mouth and his pointer finger up his nose. Harold immediately pulls it away from the cameras view an embarrassed look on his face

(Harold): Oh, ha. Hey, how did that get in there?



Kai takes a PB&J sandwich from a plate of sandwiches and takes a bite enjoying the taste

(Gwen): I can't believe you managed to steal these from lunch

Gwen comments as she took a bite out of her own sandwich. Kai remembered how Manitoba expertly broke into the kitchen and stole the leftover winner food and went undetected. Lindsay hums clearly enjoying her lunch

(Lindsay): Yummers!

Cody smiled as they sat together Lindsay enjoyed spending time with Cody. Cody was silently happy that his earlier concerns about losing Lindsay were him just overthinking

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