Chapter 20

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It was not fun being ugly and old. Evan was relieved that his sister actually remembered the spell, or he'd still be trapped as an old geezer. Evan has never been so scared in his life, thinking he'll remain that way forever was absolutely terrifying.

Evan decided not to dwell on it too much. It's in the past and he's no longer ugly. He's still handsome. No permanent damage done, but still. If that was what he had to look forward to, he didn't want to live past forty.

Evan trailed behind Piper, who was behind Carlos and Jay, Mal and Evie were behind him. Piper was humming rather loudly, skipping as she did, which Evan found to be very annoying.

But then, Piper bumped into Carlos, who suddenly stopped in front of her. Evan avoided smacking right into Piper with their sudden stop, but that didn't stop Evie from bumping into him.

"What's the hold up?" Mal questioned, huffily.

"We've reached a dead end," Carlos groaned.

"Ugh, seriously?" Piper said, annoyed.

It was true. Their path was cut off. A wall was directly in front of them, cutting them off. To think, almost dying twice and turning old, only to be stopped by a stone wall?

"Wait, look, there's something written on the wall," Jay pointed.

"What does it say?" Evie questioned excitedly.

Jay began reading:

"The handsome prince

Must undergo a test of the apple

While his allies lives hang in the balance."

"That makes no sense," Evan huffed. "I mean, what is it even talking about? It doesn't even rhyme!"

But then he realized that he was talking to himself. His friends just vanished —— or they ditched him, but when he somehow appeared on a large tree, he knew that wasn't the case.

Evan gulped. There were so many apples in this tree with him. Was he supposed to eat them? There's no way that's his test, though. Plus, apparently Evie and the others are in danger...? If that was what the wall meant, but Evan couldn't be to sure.

Why was he sitting on a tree? And what in the world is the test of the apple? Just, what is he supposed to do exactly? Evie and the others need him to succeed, just like when Carlos answered the riddles correctly, Jay surpassed the Golden Rule test, and Evie chanted their mother's aging spell.

After the three of them passed, Evan just couldn't fail. Especially if it meant that his sister and the others would die. But yet he's sitting on a tree, doing nothing...

Evan glanced around, only now noticing how odd the apples look. Some was dark blue, some were dark green, others were purple, some were red which seemed to be the only normal color, and then the rest were black.

"Only five apples are unpoisoned!" boomed a voice from who knows where, startling Evan so much, he almost fell out of the tree. "You shall pick one of each color, choose the safe apples, whatever you choose is what you'll friends will take a bite of. But be warned, choose incorrectly, and it could prove to be quite deadly for them."

"What?!" Evan demanded, but the voice didn't respond.

Well, at least he knows what to do, but he is seriously regretting this entire thing. To continue on their quest, he needs to choose five safe apples so his group doesn't die? Compared to the others test, it doesn't seem quite fair, him receiving the hardest one, and while everyone was there for the others test, Evan is unfortunately all alone.

Evan decided to start with the red section. He grabbed an apple and sniffed it. He wrinkled his nose, but suddenly his test didn't seem so impossible, not if he could simply smell which ones didn't smell so rotten, after all they looked fit enough to be in Auradon, not the Isle of the Lost.

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