Chapter 36 - Let's Fudge it Up!

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"Put sugar, margarine, syrup and water into a large, heavy base saucepan," I read from the smudged, well-used printed recipe in my hand and am surprised to see Kira pour way too much sugar into the pot ready on the stove. She is about to add about a gazillion litres of water too.

Maybe she didn't hear me properly. I jump from the chair I was straddling, resting my arms on the backrest and hurry over to the stove to stop her.

"Whoa! Chick! I said 750ml sugar and 125ml water; what are you doing?"

"Dude, go sit down," she scolds in that school teacher voice she sometimes plucks out of her arsenal of cute voices, and now she's cutting 250g off the block of margarine, dumping it into the tons of sugar and floods of water. "I know what I'm doing; I've done this so often, I could do this in my sleep. I have an army to make fudge for, and I'm not going to make two batches separately; it will be too exhausting. I'm making double."

Oh, right, that makes sense.

"Please don't make fudge in your sleep, Kicks," I snort, tugging at the ends of her hair. "You're a bit of a klutz when you're awake; imagine what you'll be like when you're asleep."

"Why are you here?" she asks, and I'm starting to feel a bit unwelcome since she asks me that each time I play with her tins of condensed milk or use the cute plastic spoons locked together on the table to steal some ice cream from the tub in the freezer. She's constantly trying to spoil my fun, telling me not to use her measuring spoons and to grab a bowl and a regular spoon, eat some ice cream and get on with it.

This chick is taking life way too seriously!

She wouldn't even give me a proper answer when I tried to take life seriously, too, by eating the peanut, honeycomb, and chocolate delight ice cream with an old medicine spoon I found when she took the multiple-spoon tool away from me. Now, I'll never know if ice cream qualifies as medicine when eaten with a medicine spoon.

Imagine if it did. No more headache tablets, no more period pain... stuff, no more diarrhoea medicine; just grab some ice cream and a medicine spoon, and you'll be good as new.

When I explained it, she didn't see the beauty of it at all.

We had a nice swim earlier, we're all cooled off, and I convinced her to make the fudge now while I'm here to help her and she just grunted something about pests and nags and wanting to stuff something or someone in a box... I suspect she meant me, but I'm ignoring that for now, though I would love to see her try doing that.

That could become really fun.

Ethan and Kira stuck in a box, K I S S I N G! She didn't appreciate it when I made up that very romantic song just for her. I'm starting to suspect that Kira isn't big on romance, and she's lost her sense of humour in the last 30 minutes or so.

"I'm helping you make fudge," I tell her, and I'm sure I've told her that over 100 times already.

"You keep on saying that, but you're not helping; you're hindering." Now that's just hurtful!

"As your boyfriend, that's my job," I point out logically, and she gives me that cheeky pouty-lipped look of hers, and I'm so gonna kiss her if she does that much longer!

"Hindering, is a boyfriend's job?"

"Isn't it?" I chuckle, stepping a bit closer and getting ready to kiss her if she doesn't stop being a brat... and if she stops being one... I'm gonna kiss her either way.

Laughing, she pushes me back to my chair, and I let her because she looks a little frightened for some reason, and I don't want her to be afraid of me. It makes no sense! Surely she doesn't think I would try to put her in the pot?!

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