Chapter 90

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The villain had continued to howl, his mouth grotesquely open. He closed it, then smiled, obviously proud of his little trick.

- You think that this-

Shoto plunged his sword into the villain's heart, his gaze hard and unflinching.

The villain spat blood. His eyelids lifted slightly, revealing small eyes that bordered on sky-blue and white.

He looked astonished, as if this development wasn't what he expected.

- You-

Shoto twisted his sword and crushed the villain's torso like a human blender.
Another trickle of blood rolled from the villain's lips, tracing a scarlet line down his chin.

All for One smiled.

He grabbed the sword with both hands and slowly pulled it out of his chest. His hands began to bleed profusely, his lukewarm, almost black blood rolling over the sword, turning it scarlet.

- I-

Something crackled on Shoto's skin, like lightning.

All for One's eyes widened.

In a flash of light, the two men had vanished into thin air.

Yellow and red streaks were the only visual reminders of their movements.

Each time the two lights collided, a sound worthy of the most thunderous storm erupted in the sky.

The wind had picked up and low, black clouds roared violently. Rain as fine as a billion needles began to fall thick and fast. It was suddenly very cold, but Katsuki hardly noticed, unable to look away from the divine battle.

They looked like gods - but not the kind of good, benevolent gods, no. They looked like the gods of legend, the kind capable of wiping out humanity when they felt like it.

They collided, boom, pushing each other back violently, only to collide again.

Boom boom boom.

The yellow light froze in the air, beneath the darkest, most menacing cloud of all.

The red light came at the yellow like a rocket, ready to destroy it.

The sky rumbled again, but this time it was different. It sounded as if the heavens were about to be torn apart, as if the stars and the moon were about to crash on earth. The sky roared with anger, promising suffering and vengeance.

Then a bolt of lightning tore through the sky. It streaked the clouds with its white light, illuminating the world as if in broad daylight. A second bolt of white light exploded. Then a third. Then another. Then ten more. Then twenty more. Then a hundred more.

They were like flashlights, white flashes that lit the dark night in sudden, terrifying bursts.

They all focused around the yellow light, swirling like a thunderstorm, preparing to annihilate everything in its path.

The red light stopped in midair. There was the sound of an explosion: the yellow flash tore through the sky and clouds before slamming into the red light at full speed.

For a second, time seemed to stand still.

Within a diameter of a hundred meters, the rain stopped falling. The black clouds dissipated as if a god had blown them away. The yellow spot grew stronger until it became a gray dot, a white disk, a star whose light was so brilliant that it illuminated the entire Japanese side as if in broad daylight.

The sky regained its blue color, the desert its gold, the sea its turquoise.

For a hundred kilometers around, all Japanese froze. There wasn't a person outside their homes who wasn't staring at the shimmering horizon, their hearts filled with wonder and trepidation.

[ENG]Shoto Todoroki : Modern-day TerroristWhere stories live. Discover now