Chapter 150

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The door opened wide.

- Hey, fire-maker ! Come back here !

I need to get out of here.

I turned and ran before one of them could grab my clothes.

They didn't look like it, but their grip was as strong as a baby's.

I found Hawks smoking outside next to some bins.

- Did the old men get the better of you ?, he asked, an eyebrow cocked

We did two more representations of the show.

- I got tired of playing the dragon

Hawks laughed between puffs of cigarette.

- You know that thing's going to kill you, don't you ?

- What ? This ? No, impossible, I'll die long before that

I couldn't decide whether he was serious or being sarcastic.

- What will you do after the Commission ?

He seemed taken aback.

- 'After'?

- You're not going to do the same job for the rest of your life.

Hawks - Keigo - struck me as a free spirit, someone whose essence was travel and connecting with people.

To imagine him chained to anything was antithetical to himself.

- There is no 'after', he said. Once people like me get into the Commission, they don't get out

My expression must have betrayed my thoughts, because he added, smiling :

- Don't look at me like that. The money's not bad. So is the food.

He tried to play it casual, but the corners of his mouth were turned downwards.

- You told me the same thing when we first met

- Because it's true

He continued to smoke.

- In a profession like mine, living to an old age is a mark of great success - or great luck. If I live long enough to get lung cancer, I'll be lucky

I shrugged.

- I don't see the point if you're going to end up like them

- Toothless ?

I scoffed.

- I'd like to live to be an old man, Hawks went on, smiling and raising his head to the grey sky.

- Why ?, I asked, You want children or something ?

- I don't know. I never thought about it. Maybe, yeah.

He smoked more slowly now, thoughtful.

The lights of the city shone in his eyes.

- You should adopt, I said.

He frowned.

- The Commission would refuse.

- Then find a girl willing to be a surrogate or, I don't know, kidnap a kid

Hawks looked at me with raised eyebrows.

- Did you really just suggest that I commit a crime ?

At least he seemed amused now.

- Big words

Hawks smiled.

- Sometimes I can't tell if you're serious or just talking nonsense to see how people react.

[ENG]Shoto Todoroki : Modern-day TerroristWhere stories live. Discover now