Chapter 108

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Endeavor watched All Might sideways, arms folded across his chest.

The blond avoided his gaze, pretending to focus his attention on the outside world visible through the glass wall.

- I don't see why my presence is required, he said in a calm voice, different from All Might's 'public appearance' special. This has nothing to do with me.

- This matter has everything to do with you.

- He's not my son, All Might denied. I've never exchanged more than three sentences with him.

- You involved me in your succession and 'Duo' stories without asking my opinion. This story is just one of the consequences of your own actions.

All Might smiled soberly and shook his head.

- You agreed.

The sun set on the horizon, casting its golden light on the two heroes.

- If I refused, and the great and all-powerful All Might was defeated by a lowly villain the next time he lost control of his Quirk, the country would be plunged into a state of crisis.

All Might's lips were a thin white line.

- I can't do this

- Why can't you ?

- Because your son is a murderer.

Endeavor's eyes narrowed to two slits.

The ambient temperature was rising, the air heavy and sticky as if before a thunderstorm.

- My son, Endeavor growled in a low voice, Is the only thing that has saved your pathetic impostor's facade. Without him, you'd be dead, and all your 'Hero' and 'destiny' bullshit with you.

All Might said nothing, but his eyes had regained that fluorescent, invigorating glow that appeared every time he used the One for All.

- He's not a killer, Endeavor continued. He just did what he had to do to survive.

All Might turned his head toward Endeavor so quickly that his neck snapped.

- What about those in the camp? Were they defending themselves as well?

Endeavor was deaf to argument, his anger simmering like a pot about to boil over.

- My son is not a murderer

All of Might's features were stern, harder than stone.

- Look what you've done. By smothering him too much, you've created a monster.

Endeavor, his skin suddenly translucent, crossed the corridor in a few steps until he reached All Might.

A smell of sulfur and lava wafted in his wake.

- Be very careful what you say, Yagi.

Far from stumbling, All Might rose from his position against the wall and faced Endeavor without flinching.

The two men faced each other, their power saturating the air, filling their throats like thick poison, flowing around their bodies in a promise of unbridled violence.

- Or what?

It was stronger than him, stronger than his logic, stronger than all his reason and common sense combined.

All Might's authority was never questioned - never.

And on the very rare occasions when someone tried to step on him, some animal instinct overrode his conscience and forced him to assert himself, to prevail, to dominate, to prove that he was the supreme being.

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