Natsu Dragneel (Fairy Tail)

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"Erza was crying, her voice was shaking, and she was giving up. I don't want to see Erza like that. Erza should always be strong and courageous, that's why... I'LL FIGHT!!!"~ Natsu Dragneel

"A guild that would make its nakama cry? Is not a guild at all."~Natsu Dragneel

"Don't give up, the beginning is always the hardest, so let's keep on going till the very end!!"~ Natsu Dragneel

"We are the same... It's the same for all of us... Don't you ever do a thing like that again... never!" ~ Natsu Dragneel

"I am already used to taking on the same sins. For a Fairy Tail Mage, the true sin is averting one's eyes... and no longer being able to believe in anyone!"!!!~ Natsu Dragneel

"I am not alone. I can hear them... I can hear everyone's voices... I can sense everyone's feelings... I am not alone... everyone's feelings... they support me... they are what give me the will to stand and fight!"~ Natsu Dragneel

"You've got to stay by her side! For Erza's sake! So come with us, we're all here for you! You are one of us now, right? Jellal!"~ Natsu Dragneel

"My comrades are alive right now!! The Exceeds are alive too!! Whether they've got magic or not, the important thing is that they're alive! These are lives, dammit!" ~ Natsu Dragneel

"We'll stop it, even if my body crumbles to bits I'll stop it with my soul!"~ Natsu Dragneel

"We joined a guild so that we could live. I might not know much about this world, but for the sake of all living things of this world, I'll defeat you!"~ Natsu Dragneel

"I will never give up... I will never give up! As long I'm still breathing in this world... As long I'm still standing, I will never give up!!!"~ Natsu Dragneel

"Gramps, lets fight. I know there are times when you have to fall back, Gildarts taught me that. But this ain't one of those times. The bastard who makes an enemy of Fairy Tail, we need them to remember the power of our guild with all its heart and soul. Lets fight gr...gramps!"~ Natsu Dragneel

"Mages of Fairy Tail... specialize in property damage!" ~Natsu Dragneel

"That is our Fairy Tail!! We don't live like we have already died, like you do!! We live with our lives on the lines, you bastard!! If you don't have the courage to change things then you might as well just die!!!"~ Natsu Dragneel

"Save the tears for when we win."~ Natsu Dragneel

"You must live life as long as you are still strong. Never look at your life as something insignificant."~ Natsu Dragneel

"Why do you find it easy to kill? These are lives dammit!"~ Natsu Dragneel

"It's for our comrades. For seven years... Always... They were waiting for us... No matter how tough it was, no matter how sad; even if they were made fools of, they endured and endured... and protected the guild. For our comrades, we'll show you... The proof that Fairy Tail has kept going! And that's why we'll keep moving forward!!!" ~ Natsu Dragneel

"If you are a guild, take care of your friends. That is all I have to say."~ Natsu Dragneel

"If it's to protect our family, be it the Kingdom or the entire world... We would make anyone our enemy! That's what it means to be Fairy Tail!!"~ Natsu Dragneel

"When we're all alone, it might be to frightening to bear... but we're all right beside each other. We've got our friends close by! Now, there's nothing to fear! Because we're not alone!!!" ~ Natsu Dragneel

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