Tamaki Suou (Ouran High school Host club)

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"You're a hero to other poor people Fujioka! You've shown the world that even a poor person can excell in an elite pirvate academy. It must be hard for you to constantly be looked down upon by others. Supperned, neglected! But that doesn't matter now. Long live the poor! We welcome you poor man to our world of beauty!"~ Tamaki Suou

"I know this! It's commoner's coffee! You just add hot water!"~ Tamaki Suou

"Mama, Haruhi's using those dirty boy words again!"~ Tamaki Suou

"My daughter! My daughter's missing! I can't get in contact with her!!! She must've been kidnapped!!! Contact the police!!! Mobilize the self-defense army if it becomes necessary!!! "~ Tamaki Suou

"Alright! The Low Blood Pressure Evil Lord has given his approval!"~ Tamaki Suou

"When in Rome, do as the romans do!"~ Tamaki Suou

"Forgive my rudeness, but to hide your true self and make a vain display... I think that's just running away from reality. To know what you are really like, and acknowledge it... a positive thinking of enjoying yourself... isn't that what true strength is?"~ Tamaki Suou

"A little water never hurt anyone... besides, people are always telling me I'm dripping with good looks."~ Tamaki Suou

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