Lucy Heartfilia

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"There's nothing happy about having your fate decided for you! You have to grab your own happiness!"~ Lucy Heartfilia

"That morning's dawn was painted a beautiful scarlet, the likes of which I had never seen before. Like the color of Erza's hair, it was warm and passionate... If she could only lift her face a beautiful sky would be spread out before her." ~Lucy Heartfilia

"What I want isn't money or pretty dresses, but a place that recognizes me as who I am. Fairy Tail is my other family, and it is a far more warming family than here!"~ Lucy Heartfilia

"I said I'm going to save you no matter what! I can force open the Gate to the Spirit World; watch me!"~ Lucy Heartfilia

"Don't judge me unless you have looked through my eyes, experienced what I went through and cried as many tears as me. Until then back-off, cause you have no idea."~ Lucy Heartfilia

"You have three choices, you can give up, give in or give it your all."~ Lucy Heartfilia

"Feelings are connection. They surpass time, and find their way back to the people you love."~ Lucy Heartfilia

"I don't want... to run away by myself. Because no matter what, I'd rather be together with everyone..."~ Lucy Heartfilia

"It's not a sin! Caring for your friends feelings is not a sin! If you disappear, then Aries, myself, and everyone here will be filled with sadness! You won't be repenting your sin that way!" ~ Lucy Heartfilia

"If...if someone here was hurt or died because of me, I think I'd suffer a lot like Loke. But it's okay, because if we all work together, we can overcome any trouble we might have, right? "~ Lucy Heartfilia

"But they feel pain! They have feelings! And yet you call yourself a Celestial Spirit Mage?"~ Lucy Heartfilia

"Thank you... I appreciate you Spirits for taking care of me."~ Lucy Heartfilia

"If she's your ally, then shouldn't you be protecting her? I'll never lose to someone who doesn't even understand that. I swear on the name of my guild!"~ Lucy Heartfilia

"I don't run away by myself... because no matter what...I'd rather be together with everyone..." ~ Lucy Heartfilia

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