Elizabeth Middleford (Black Butler)

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  "I wanted Ciel to smile... but how? Since that day he seemed to stop smiling... I want to bring that back... I want Ciel to smile..."~Elizabeth Middleford

"Wearing my pitch-black clothes, with my pitch-black feelings, one month of pitch-black, winter had passed, when...Suddenly, Ciel came back. Along with a pitch-black butler." ~Elizabeth Middleford

"Why? Why is my body moving all by itself? Why... why is my body... hurting the one I love?! Stop! Stop! Stop!"~Elizabeth Middleford

"Ciel finally returned, but he wasn't able to laugh anymore. I love Ciel. I love Ciel's smile. Why is it as though we always seem to end up going in circles? How can I bring back Ciel's smile?"~Elizabeth Middleford  

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