Kyoya Ootori (Ouran High school Host Club)

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"Well, let's see. It should turn out to be pretty interesting."~ Kyoya Ootori

"I'm okay with anything as long as it doesn't harm me."~ Kyoya Ootori

"Beauty is as vain as these cherry blossoms. You will never be able to see the same shape for two days." ~ Kyoya Ootori

"This is the so-called "I'm-very-near-you-guys-but-I'm-not-going-to-look-at-you" childish method of quarreling."~ Kyoya Ootori

"Even though he's a hopeless idiot(smiles)."~ Kyoya Ootori

"Well, then he's lucky because our club is full of dummies."~ Kyoya Ootori

"That Tamaki... I'll definitely kill him."~ Kyoya Ootori

"That IDIOT. I'm going to KILL him!"~ Kyoya Ootori

"These people are simply overgrown weeds."~ Kyoya Ootori

"If you want to dream, then do it in your sleep."~ Kyoya Ootori

"Don't take me for a fool!" ~ Kyoya Ootori

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