Uta (Tokyo Ghoul)

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  "It's like "walking a tight-rope". For us to blend into a human place, every second is spent wondering "Can I continue or will I fall?"... If your feet get tangled along the way, you will end up at the bottom of hell... And if you don't cross the whole distance, in that instant everything will disappear... The rope's condition changes depending on your own choices. [...] so not getting involved is the best thing to do."~Uta

"To Kaneki: Since you are a special custumer so I'd like to be some help to you. You are dangerous and are always wavering unsteadily, so everyone can't take their eyes off you. That includes the people hoping you won't fail, and the people waiting for the instance that you do."~Uta

"Since everyone thinks many various things, it is difficult to understand them."~Uta

"Tragedies nowadays aren't popular, so let's have more fun."~Uta

"To me, he (Kaneki) is still a special customer, even now."~Uta

"I became friends with Sasaki."~Uta  

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