Chapter 12-

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Marquis Reholas was also quite generous.

As soon as he agreed to pay 3 billion marks, he immediately paid the money.

Seeing the cart that was filled with sparkling gold coins and jewels, the people of the duchy shed tears of emotion.

"Did madam receive all of this?"

"Goodness. She received this much against the terrifying Marquis Reholas?!"

"As expected of the madam! She's incredible!"

"Oh, she's yet to be an adult, but she is very smart and wise. God hasn't abandoned the Duke yet."

I went out while holding hands with Luc and stared at the pile of gold coins.

"Luc! These are all ours!"

Luc shook his head at my words.

Oh, right.

The Valruga family belongs to you, so these are all yours.

Our Luc is smart.

"No, it's all yours!" Luc insisted, contrary to what I thought.

"Sister earned it, so it's all yours!"

Aww, I'm very touched.

Since your sister earned all the money, don't pretend to not remember that later, okay?

The two of us held hands and twirled around together.

Seeing the money piled up like a mountain made me feel like dancing.

"How can those two get along so well?"

"They're such a cute couple."

The maids looked happily at the two of us.

After dancing excitedly, I became a little embarrassed and released Luc's hand.

Luc decided to go to the library to study today, while I decided to go to the office for some work.

Thanks to the firewood, I could now breathe easily even while walking down the hallway.

Luc blew the wind with his mouth and laughed.

"I can breath now."

"Isn't it great?"

"Yes! It felt like my hands were freezing because of the cold, but now they don't get cold." Luc stretched out his bare hands without gloves and wiggled his fingers.

"It will continue to be like this."

I will make sure that you can continue to live in a warm house.

With that promise, Luc came and held my hand.

"But holding sister's hand is the warmest."


"When I hold sister's hand, it doesn't just warm my hand."

Luc pressed his chest with his other hand.

"It gets warm here too."

After saying that, Luc did not let go of his tight grip until we reached the library.

*  *  *

Please do not repost. Read only at Dropped Inks.

When I sat down at my desk in the office, Naol reported the money sent by the Marquis.

"It is exactly three billion marks. It may differ depending on how much you sell the jewellery, but I don't think it is any less than that."

"It's better than losing face if they don't give us enough. But I'm not going to let it go just because they gave us plenty." Just because we received the money, it didn't mean that the resentment disappeared.

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