Chapter 8-

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"What? Really?! Madam, you must have something up your sleeve! I trust you and your great insight!"

"In the first place, the contract itself is a fraud."

"What! A fraud?!"

I explained it slowly to Naol.

"Think about it. Something is strange about this. No matter how foolish the ancestors were, would they have borrowed such a large sum of money under these conditions?"


"They would not have fallen to the extent where there was no firewoods to be burned then as we have to do so now. At that time, 50 million marks could have been lent by other families. Why would they need to borrow from the Fox Merchant Association under such unfair terms?"

"You're right. After listening to your words, there is indeed something strange going on."

"Yes, clearly there is a trick in this IOU that we are unaware of. If we are able to prove that we've been scammed..."

"We don't have to pay the money back!"

"And we can even receive damage compensation!"

Naol clasped his hands together as if he was praying to God.

His eyes bore a glimmer of respect.

"Madam is truly amazing! I only thought you would have a way to pay back the money quickly and never did I suspect that the contract itself was strange. How did you figure it out? I really don't know how fortunate we are that madam is in charge of the household."

He took out his handkerchief and wiped his tears away.

"If it weren't for you, what would have happened to this castle? It's terrifying just thinking about it. Isn't this evidence that God hasn't abandoned the Valruga Duchy?"

"The important thing now is to find the evidence quickly. How long do we have to pay off the debt?"

"Since it's next Monday, there's five days left."

"Alright, stop all tasks for five days and focus on looking for evidence of the fraud! I hope you know that you have to keep this a secret, correct?"

"Of course! I'll keep my mouth shut. If they knew what we were doing, I don't know what those foxes would do!"


The search continued for three days.

Naol and I spent all day and night trying to find the evidence that we had been scammed.

"What about looking at the family seal?"

"It's legitimate!"

"The contract paper?!"

"Also legitimate!"

"Any signs of the numbers changing?"

"No signs of tampering!"

"Then...where is it?!"

Eventually, I threw away the documents I had been staring at.

No matter how much I inspected the documents, I still couldn't figure out how they cheated.

Outside the window, I could see the people from the Fox Merchants Association walking around freely.

I narrowed my eyes as I stared at them intensely.

As if I could read their inner thoughts.

* * *

"Achoo! Why the hell is it so cold here?! Besides, what about that little kid? Isn't he completely ignoring us?!"

The Male Lead I Raised Is Obsessed With MeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon