Chapter 15-

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Blackie continued.

[Although to master, all water looks the same, but to me, it all feels different. Just as the water master drinks and the rain that falls from the sky is different. I can sense all of them.]

"So you're like a water expert?"

[You can say that. But I can turn the water that master drinks into rainwater from the sky.]

"Then, is it possible to purify polluted water?"


If this had been in my previous life, that would've been incredible.

Since water pollution was a huge problem in that world.

In this world, the water from the rain outside is clean enough to drink.

Even so, I think I can tell that Blackie is a powerful divine beast.

[But, purification requires a lot of power, so I can't do it now.]

Blackie became sullen.

[I'm telling you, I am originally a great divine beast. I can protect master from any threats, and...]

"I know. You're really a powerful divine beast. My little Blackie is a great divine beast."

When I stroke him in hopes of comforting him, Blackie rubs his face in my hand.

He had a cold impression when he was in his human form, but in his animal form, he acted very cute.

"There's nothing we can do about the seal. I'll work hard to earn money and raise you. Aren't you the strongest divine beast in the world?"

Of course, this was great.

Even if his powers were sealed, he's still helpful.

Raise Luc, raise the family and raise Blackie.

There are so many things to raise.

For now, we decided to keep it a secret that Blackie was a divine beast.

A contract with a divine beast itself was news that would bring an uproar to the whole continent.

Any family would not hesitate to spend a lot of money to attract a divine beast's contractor.

But Blackie was still weak and the Valruga was not a family that was strong enough to protect me.

Someone might go mad and try to achieve a divine beast by killing me, trample the family or kidnap me.

So for now, Blackie is only a lizard I picked up from somewhere.

As soon as I found Bella who had came to the office looking for me, I raised my eyes.

"I want to raise a lizard."

Blackie's large wings became small like a tiny limb that was attached to his back.

The ice white body was mysterious, but I thought I could simply claim it as a well-fed lizard.

"Lizard? Where did you get it?"

"I found it in the castle."

"In the castle? A lizard in such a cold place. It's my first time seeing one. Are these wings? So lizards have wings too."

Bella pointed to the small wings attached to Blackie's back.

"Yeah. It could be a mutation caused by the cold climate. Anyway, I want to raise him. I already named him. It's Blackie."

In contrast to its name, Bella stared at his white body and blue eyes, and gave a slightly puzzled expression, but nodded her head as if she was convinced by my words.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11 ⏰

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