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By: Leronira

Sincere's Game: Prologue

A Regular Guy

"I know it might be hard to open up, so try your best. I know it seems like life is not the same anymore, so learn to enjoy what you have."


"There's this new scholarship opportunity that you should go to. An anonymous recommendation was sent in."


"You said you don't need your medications anymore, right?"

"Yeah, yeah, no more."

"Then are you okay? How do you feel?"


"You still don't know what happened?"

"It's been 5 years, it's too difficult to remember."

"I told you before, take a deep breath... and exhale."

"Yeah, yeah."

They both take a deep breath.



The therapist sighs and, leaning over, she stares intently at her clipboard, which contains all the information she needs to know.

"One of the top prestigious schools in all of the US, engulfed in flames."

"One of the most heavily funded government institutions in the world, preparing students for college, is now a barren wasteland."

"Firefighters claim that the fire source was due to a nearby forest that caught fire and happened to spread towards the school."

"It was only an accident."

But this was the doing of one person.

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