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Mini Map of Game Room:

(Chocolate bar represents snack table)

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(Chocolate bar represents snack table)

Sincere's Game: Chapter 3


I will do whatever it takes to get to Yale. I have to go to Yale to impress my family.

Gabriella is a student at Cygnus, with lower-than-average height and short, luscious hair that's symmetrical on both sides of her face. She beats herself up over the fact that she didn't get into Yale that fall. Sometimes she would cry at night, imagining the happy scenario that she made it in. Hanging out with friends, drinking late at night, romance, etc. Although she is now accustomed to Cygnus life, she still lingers over the fact that she could've made it to her dream school. A scholarship is exactly what she needs, especially since her parents are quite poor and have been recently struggling financially.

 Already being inside the game room, she looks over her shoulder and sees 9 other players.

Gabriella waltzes up and grabs a sticker, she analyzes it, and it reads: #5. The rest of the students, looking innocent and confused, walks up and obtains their stickers. 

The room has dark white drywall on all 4 sides. The floor, being made of wood, gives the room a vintage sense. A sense that makes this room less flavorful, and almost boring. So how can this room be a setup for one of the most highly paid scholarships in the world?

Gabriella, being an academic genius, is already thinking hard about the layout of the room:

A game? Are you serious? I thought I had to write an essay, show them my report card, or something. 

She starts to focus.

There are currently sweets to my right, some school supplies to my left, and it seems like everyone does not know anything about this place. She analyses the table and sees some playing cards, board games, pieces of papers, pens, sticky notes, highlighters, pencils and notepads on top. Given that this is college, this is a designated classroom, with tables aligned, chairs organized to each table, and a projector screen at the front of the room with a laptop connected to the projector.

"Are you guys ready?" Atratus, the presenter shouts.

There are two surveyors of this game. 

I see two people, one with a mask, that has to be the gamemaster. And a long haired blonde woman. She looks pretty.

"Also, all of you are forced to wear earplugs, that way, you can only hear the person closest to you. And don't think about taking them out, we will have blondie here, watch over everyone at all times."

The blonde lady passes them down.


"Let the private conversations begin!"

The contestants were given the room to chat with each other privately. The contestants are free to talk to whomever they want and are allowed to roam around the room. However, no one is allowed to eavesdrop or secretly listen to anybody else's conversations.

Gabriella doesn't immediately go up and talk to people, she just looked around to see if anybody was free. But she was wrong, everyone was dead silent, no one got up to talk.

After about a minute, this one student, a tall, upright and confident guy with brown curly hair and one hair curl on the right side of his forehead, went up and approached someone. The man with the curl was semi-muscular and carried an innocent smirk on his oval shaped face. To Gabriella, he seemed modestly attractive. Gabriella has hooked up with several people in the past, but this person, was truly her type.

After one person went, everyone started to introduce themselves with one another, as not talking at all meant lowering your chances of being included in the group. Nobody wanted to be left out.

"Hey." Gabriella approached the last person.

"Hey." number #4 innocently responded.

"What do you think we are supposed to do? I'm so confused by whatever this game is."

Number #4, being a little shy, asked in response, "Do you know what we are supposed to do?"

"Find each other's names I guess." Gabriella smiled. "I don't think it's that complicated."

"How do you know?"

"Do you want to share each other's names?" Gabriella changes the subject.

Number 4 shakes her head in nervousness.

Gabriella stares blankly at number 4.

What am I supposed to do with her? You need to be a little more confident in yourself.

Gabriella, a cold competitor, slips away from number 4, and just leaves the conversation.

Is there anybody else who's a little more confident? 

She spots another girl who looks free, but Gabriella waits for her to approach first. After about another minute, Gabriella gives up and goes to the girl.



"Do you know what we are supposed to do?"

"No, what about you?" 

"I have no idea..."


"But I like your shorts!" Gabriella did not want the same conversation to repeat itself.

"What's your name?" Number #2 asked.

Do I say my name now? If I give it away, she'll know. And if she knows I'll-

"Do you wanna switch names?" Number #2 smirked.

Before Gabriella had the time to respond, her mind was racing.

What do you mean switch names? Is she trying to lose?

"What do you mean?"

"If we switch names, we have a better chance at winning. For example, if we switch names and last the whole game with our names still switched, the others will believe that we are using our real names. And if they do, they will guess our names on the test and get it wrong!" Number #2 giggled.

"Keep it down!" I whispered in distress.


What do I do? If I switch names, I won't be honest with the team. But if I switch, I can increase my winning chances.

After Gabriella looked into the other girls' eyes, she insightfully decided. 

"No thank you, if I can think for myself, I'll be fine."

"Okay then." Number #2 then left to find someone else.

Gabriella did not understand what she just did. But she will regret this decision. Because things will get a lot more hectic.

After a couple of minutes, Gabriella had no one to talk to, she was scared, because everybody was preoccupied talking amongst themselves. As she was patiently waiting, she saw, in the corner of her eye, the guy with the curl, free to talk. They made eye contact from across the room, when...

"Time is over! Moving on to group conversations!"

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